Prípona Informácia
S Modula-3 Foreign Assembly Source
S Nitpicker Backup Ipflow File
S Xcode Core Assembler Program (Apple Computer, Inc.)
S Free Pascal Assembler File for Linux or DOS Version (FPC Development Team)
S Mozilla (Netscape) Password Data (
S Train Simulator Shape File (Microsoft Corporation)
S Source Code
S Scheme Source Code
S MultiEdit Macro Source
S DigitalMicrograph Script (Gatan, Inc.)
S Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
S Assembler Source Code
S!D Shuffle! Direct Video Stream (S!D Team)
S$$ Temporary Sort File
S$N Mindstore Digital Wallet File
S01 WordPerfect Distribution File (Corel Corporation)
S02 WordPerfect Distribution File (Corel Corporation)
S03 WordPerfect Distribution File (Corel Corporation)
S1 Free Pascal Assembler File for GO321v1 Platform (FPC Development Team)
S11 Sealed MPEG-1 Video (SealedMedia)
S12 SPIRIT Drawing File (STI International, Inc.)
S14 Sealed MPEG-4 Video (SealedMedia)
S16 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
S16 Sigames File
S17 SubSeven Saved Settings File
S19 Motorola Assembly-Language Program ASCII-HEX Data File
S1A Sealed Acrobat Document (SealedMedia)
S1A Yamaha EX-series Synthesizer All Internal Memory Data (Yamaha)
S1E Sealed Excel Worksheet (SealedMedia)
S1G Sealed GIF Image (SealedMedia)
S1H Sealed HTML Document (SealedMedia)
S1J Sealed JPEG Image (SealedMedia)
S1K S1000 Simnet Format
S1M Sealed MP3 Audio (SealedMedia)
S1M Yamaha EX-series Synthesizer Wave and Sample Data (Yamaha)
S1N Sealed PNG Graphic (SealedMedia)
S1P Sealed PowerPoint Presentation (SealedMedia)
S1Q Sealed QuickTime Movie (SealedMedia)
S1V Yamaha EX-series Synthesizer 256 Voice Data (Yamaha)
S1W Sealed Word Document (SealedMedia)
S1Y Yamaha EX-series Synthesizer Internal Voice and Performance Data (Yamaha)
S28 Genesis or Sega32X ROM Image
S2P Sonnet File
S2R RegMagiK Registry Editor Registry Shortcut File (Guzner Software)
S2S SRT2SUP Native Subtitle Format
S2S Spike2 Script (Cambridge Electronic Design)
S2WDH HP Share to Web Upload Folder Test Folder (Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.)
S31 SmartWhois
S3D Sealed CAD File (SealedMedia)
S3D Micrografx Simply 3D Project
S3D EverQuest (Sony)
S3D Strata 3D
S3DF Sealed CAD File (SealedMedia)
S3I ScreamTracker v3 Instrument
S3I Digiplayer/ST3 Sample File
S3M ScreamTracker v3 Sound File
S3R Rtl Ski Jump Replay File
S3Z Amiga and PC Tracker Module
S3Z ScreamTracker v3 File
S4T S4/TEXT and Tagless Editor (i4i)
S4W S4/TEXT and Tagless Editor (i4i)
S5D Step5 Program (Siemens AG)
S7 Sibelius Music Notation File (Sibelius Software Ltd)
S70 Xilinx Libraries Library ID Numbers
S7ICONS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
S7P SubSeven Trojan File
S7Z 7-Zip Compressed File (Igor Pavlov)
S8 Simul8 Simulation
S?? RAR Compressed File
SA System Sa51SWE File
SA1 Panasonic AAC Data Wrapped in SD Audio Encryption Layer (Panaconic Corporation of North America)
SA2 Surprise! AdLib Tracker 2
SA2 Time Stamp Project Grid Information File (Syntap Software)
SA2B A2B Player Stream (
SA3 Street Atlas Ver. 3 Map Document (Delorme)
SA4 Street Atlas Ver. 4 Map Document (Delorme)
SA4 STABCAL (stability calculation for aqueous systems) File
SA5 SecretAgent Encrypted File Archive (Information Security Corporation)
SA5 Street Atlas Ver. 5 Map Document (Delorme)
SA6 Street Atlas Ver. 6 Map Document (Delorme)
SA7 Street Atlas Ver 7 Map Document (Delorme)
SA8 Street Atlas Ver 8 Map Document (Delorme)
SA9 Hue and Cry Photoshop/Paint Shop Pro Plug-In (Flaming Pear Software)
SA9 Street Atlas Ver 9 Map Document (Delorme)
SAA SecretAgent Auto-encrypted Archive (Information Security Corporation)
SAB ModelMaker File
SAB ALSong Mixed Music Album (ESTsoft)
SAB ACIS Solid Binary File
SAB NVision 3D Scanner File
SAB2 NVision 3D Scanner File
SAC Shared Asset Catalog (Adobe Systems Inc.)
SAD Black & White Game Sound File (Electronic Arts, Inc.)
SAD Fast Atomic Density Evaluator File
SAD Serveron Analyzer Data File
SAD MultiEx Commander Set-up Cabinet (XeNTaX)
SAF MusicMatch Jukebox Secure Audio File
SAF Street Atlas Map File (Delorme)
SAF Twelve Ghosts File
SAF Spatial Archive Interchange Format
SAF Stronghold Encrypted File (Helix Software)
SAH SETI@Home Data File
SAIF Spatial Archive Interchange Format
SAIL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SAK Software Administration Kit
SAK Postal
SAL Soritec Data
SAL Database Program; SQL Application Language
SALE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SAM Map File
SAM Office 97 File Converter (Microsoft)
SAM Sound Sample
SAM Ami Pro Document (IBM)
SAM CalTech PaleoMag Data File
SAM Signed 8-bit Sample Data
SAMPLE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SAMPLER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SAMPLER294 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SAMPLES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SAN Select-a-Net Network Configuration (Digerati Technologies, LLC)
SAN Legacy of Kain Series Game File
SAN The Curse of Monkey Island Movie File
SANDMAN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SANE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SANFRANCI Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SANKEY e!Sankey File (ifu Hamburg GmbH)
SANTEM e!Sankey Template (ifu Hamburg GmbH)
SAP Nolian Analysis Data (Softing)
SAP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SAQ?? SAS Version 6 Sequential Access File Access Descriptor File (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAR Timeslips Archive (Peachtree Software)
SAR Sibelius Arrange Style (Sibelius Software Ltd)
SAR Streamline Compressed Archive
SAR Sons Of The American Revolution Family Tree Creator Data
SAR Yamaha S.Art Voices (Yamaha Corporation of America)
SAR Phoenix Server Applications Standard Distribution Format
SAR Saracen Paint
SAS SAS Program (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS Orchida Embroidery System (Orchida Soft)
SAS VMS SAS Source Code
SAS StreamAction Script (fCoder Group)
SAS7BACS SAS Version 8 Random Access File Access Descriptor File (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS7BAUD SAS Version 8 Random Access File Audit File (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS7BBAK SAS Version 8 Random Access File Backup (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS7BCAT SAS Version 8 Random Access File Catalog (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS7BDAT Base SAS Ver. 8+ Data File (SAS Institute, Inc.)
SAS7BDAT SAS Version 8 Random Access File Data File (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS7BDMD SAS Version 8 Random Access File Data Mining Database (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS7BFDB SAS Version 8 Random Access File Consolidation Database (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS7BITM SAS Version 8 Random Access File Item Store File (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS7BMDB SAS Version 8 Random Access File Multi-dimensional Database (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS7BNDX SAS Version 8 Random Access File Data File Index (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS7BODS SAS Version 8 Random Access File Output Delivery System File (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS7BPGM SAS Version 8 Random Access File Stored Program (DATA step) (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS7BPUT SAS Version 8 Random Access File Permanent Utility File (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS7BUTL SAS Version 8 Random Access File Utility File (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS7BVEW SAS Version 8 Random Access File Data View (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS7SACS SAS Version 8 Sequential Access File Access Descriptor File (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS7SAUD SAS Version 8 Sequential Access File Audit File (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS7SBAK SAS Version 8 Sequential Access File Backup (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS7SCAT SAS Version 8 Sequential Access File Catalog (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS7SDAT SAS Version 8 Sequential Access File Data File (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS7SDMD SAS Version 8 Sequential Access File Data Mining Database (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS7SFDB SAS Version 8 Sequential Access File Consolidation Database (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS7SITM SAS Version 8 Sequential Access File Item Store File (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS7SMDB SAS Version 8 Sequential Access File Multi-dimensional Database (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS7SNDX SAS Version 8 Sequential Access File Data File Index (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS7SODS SAS Version 8 Sequential Access File Output Delivery System File (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS7SPGM SAS Version 8 Sequential Access File Stored Program (DATA step) (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS7SPUT SAS Version 8 Sequential Access File Permanent Utility File (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS7SUTL SAS Version 8 Sequential Access File Utility File (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAS7SVEW SAS Version 8 Sequential Access File Data View (SAS Institute Inc.)
SAT Firefox Bookmark Backup File
SAT SAdT Music Composer Mod/Song
SAT SatHawk Data File (Global Sourcing Solutions & Commerce LLC, DBA Sadoun Satellite Sales)
SAT Surprise! AdLib Tracker
SAT ACIS Solid Model
SATELLITE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SATURN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SAUCE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SAUCER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SAUT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SAV SPSS Database File (SPSS Inc.)
SAV Daemon Tools Pro Disk Image (The Daemons Home)
SAV ADOM Saved Game (Thomas Biskup)
SAV Chaser Saved Game (Cauldron Ltd.)
SAV Backup
SAV Saved File
SAV Saved Configuration Info
SAVAGE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SAVE Doom 3 Saved Game File (Id Software, Inc.)
SAVE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SAVE Game Salt Lake City 2002 File
SAVEDGAME Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SAVER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SAVER Macintosh Screen Saver File (Apple Computer, Inc.)
SAVGAO Aleph One Saved Game (Marathon Open Source)
SAVINGS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SAW Living Scenes Jigsaw Puzzles
SAY SayaMatrix Accounting Database (Saya InfoNet India Ltd)
SAY Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SB Audio
SB Scratch Finished Product File (MIT’s Lifelong Kindergarten Research Group)
SB SpinnerBaker eXtractor Compressed Archive (SpinnerBaker Software)
SB Raw Signed Byte (8-bit) Data
SB2 SerialBox Serials Numbers Package
SB4 SetupBuilder Installation Project (Lindersoft)
SB5 SetupBuilder 5 Installation Script (Lindersoft, Inc.)
SBAK Ideal Summary Sheets Standard Backup (Non-encrypted) (Conquer Internet Ltd.)
SBC SBC Compressed Archive
SBC Sagebrush Corporation Spectrum CIRC/CAT Report
SBD Mozilla (Netscape) Mail Subdirectory (
SBD Storyboard Editor Storyboard
SBE Spybot – Search & Destroy Excludes File (PepiMK Software)
SBF Superbase 95 File
SBI Sound Blaster Instrument File
SBI Selfboot Inducer
SBI Spybot – Search & Destroy Add-on Info File (PepiMK Software)
SBJ Clipart Index; Micrografx Clipart or Palette
SBK Superbase 95 File
SBK Statfoot32 Soccer League Tracking File
SBK Multimedia Subject/book?, Metatec Corp.
SBK Emu SoundFont v1.x Bank File
SBK ToolBook Instructor/Assistant Book (SumTotal Systems, Inc.)
SBK PagePainter Swatch Book File (Saltire Media)
SBK Asymetrics ToolBook System Book (SumTotal)
SBK Creative Labs SB AWE 32
SBK Creative Labs Soundfont 1.0 Bank File
SBK SWiSH Backup File
SBL Shockwave Flash Object
SBL SiBaLa Script File
SBL Softbridge Basic Language
SBL Spybot – Search & Destroy Language File (PepiMK Software)
SBL Stone Brook Pascal library
SBM Hello Network HelloCombined Media Player
SBN ArcView Spatial Index For Read-Write Shapefiles (ESRI)
SBP ShopBot Control Software ShopBot Part File (ShopBot Tools, Inc.)
SBP Superbase DML Program
SBP SetupBuilder Professional Projects File
SBP Scratchboard
SBPF Small Business Publisher Document (Belltech Systems, LLC)
SBQ?? SAS Version 6 Sequential Access File Backup (SAS Institute Inc.)
SBR Source Browser Support File
SBS Spybot – Search & Destroy Includes File (PepiMK Software)
SBS SPSS Script (SPSS, Inc.)
SBS SWAT HRU Output File
SBSONG SongShow Plus Song File (R-Technics Inc.)
SBT Sitestepper Build Target Parameters (E.De.L.Com bvba)
SBT Superbase Record Notes
SBW Savings Bonds Wizard Data (U.S. Department of the Treasury, Bureau of the Public Debt)
SBW SuperBeam 4 UK Data File (Survey Design Associates Ltd.)
SBX Illustrator Tsume (Adobe)
SBX ArcView Spatial Index For Read-Write Shapefiles (ESRI)
SBZ ShowBiz Project File (ArcSoft, Inc.)
SB_ Creativ Compressed Sb16 Sbide File
SC Sega SC-3000 Image File
SC Skills Connection Test Set Document (Scantron Corporation)
SC Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SC Paradox Source Code
SC Ingres Embedded SQL/C Source File (Computer Associates International, Inc.)
SC Framework Screen Driver
SC$ Modem Bitware Fax Disk1 File
SC2 SAS Catalog (SAS Institute Inc.)
SC2 SimCity 2000 City (Electronic Arts, Inc.)
SC2 Schedule+ File
SC2 Sample Cell
SC2 MSX 2 Screen
SC2 II PC Instrument
SC3 Harvard Graphics Screen Driver (Harvard Graphics)
SC3 Sailcut Sail File (Robert Lainé)
SC3 dBASE Screen Mask File
SC3 SimCity 3000 City Data (Electronic Arts, Inc.)
SC4 RollerCoaster Tycoon Scenario (Atari)
SC4 Creative NOMAD MP3 Manager
SC4 SimCity 4 Saved City (Electronic Arts, Inc.)
SC4DESC SimCity 4 Lot-Model Descriptive File (Electronic Arts, Inc.)
SC4LOT SimCity 4 Lot File (Electronic Arts Inc.)
SC4MODEL SimCity 4 Model (Electronic Arts, Inc.)
SC4PATH SimCity 4 Path (Electronic Arts, Inc.)
SC6 RollerCoaster Tycoon Scenario (Atari)
SC? ColorRIX VGA Paint Bitmap (RIX SoftWorks Inc.)
SCA Scala InfoChannel Script
SCA SCA Datafile
SCA Norton Anti-Virus File
SCA Systems Management Server (SMS) Site Control File Addition (Microsoft Corporation)
SCAN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SCAN Thunderscan Image File
SCANNER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SCANNER Scanner Output File
SCAR SCAR Script (Kaitnieks)
SCARS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SCB System Cleaner
SCB Scala InfoChannel Published Script
SCC Stamp Collector’s Girl Friday Catalog File
SCC Microsoft Extended Home Computer Bitmap
SCC Visual SourceSafe (Microsoft Corporation)
SCC Text File
SCC Scenarist Closed Caption File (Sonic Solutions)
SCD Systems Management Server (SMS) Site Control File Deletion (Microsoft Corporation)
SCD Agfa/Matrix SCODL Bitmap
SCD Schedule/Schedule+ Data (Microsoft)
SCD SCODL Scan Conversion Object Description Language Graphic
SCD Scribus Document
SCD TurboTax Schedule Descriptions (Intuit)
SCE SoftCuisine Data Exchange File
SCE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SCE Scilab (INRIA)
SCE2 Marathon 2 Scenario File (Bungie)
SCENE Amiga Sculpt 3D/4D 3D Object
SCF SimTown File
SCF Windows Explorer Command Shell Command File (Microsoft Corporation)
SCF Photo Soap2 File
SCF ScoreMaker Multimedia Show
SCF Symphony Spell Checker Configuration (IBM)
SCG ColorRIX VGA Paint Bitmap (RIX SoftWorks Inc.)
SCG Septerra Core Saved Game
SCH P-CAD Schematic File (Altium Limited)
SCH Schedule+ File (Microsoft)
SCH Xlinix Foundation Schematic
SCH FTP Voyager Scheduled FTP File Transfer (Rhino Software, Inc.)
SCH XML Schema
SCH OrCAD Schematic File (Cadence Design Systems, Inc.)
SCH EAGLE Layout Editor Schematic File (CadSoft Computer GmbH)
SCH PSpice Schematic (OrCAD)
SCH Designer Schematic Capture Binary File (Altium Limited)
SCHED Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SCHEDULER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SCHEMAS Amaya Configuration
SCI Scilab Source Code (INRIA)
SCI System Configuration Data
SCI Sierra AdLib Audio File Format
SCI ScanVec Inspire File
SCI ColorRIX VGA Paint Bitmap (RIX SoftWorks Inc.)
SCL Sibelius & G7 Guitar Chord Diagram Library (Sibelius Software Ltd)
SCM Spanish Whiz Scrambled Game Sound File (GB Blanchard)
SCM Topanga Software SchematicMaker File
SCM Starcraft Map File
SCM ScreenCam Movie (IBM)
SCM SadefCam (SADEF)
SCM Scheme Program
SCM ICQ Sound Compressed Sound Scheme (ICQ Inc.)
SCM Grand Theft Auto III Mission Script (Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.)
SCN Orbiter Scenario (Martin Schweiger)
SCN Visual Basic
SCN TrueSpace2 Scene
SCN Steam Source SDK Model Source File (Valve Corporation)
SCN pcAnywhere Recorded Screen Shot (Symantec Corporation)
SCN Pinnacle Studio Scene File (Pinnacle Systems, Inc.)
SCN Minolta Scene File
SCN Rise of Nations Scenario File (Microsoft)
SCN Scenario File
SCN Softimage XSI 3D Scene File (Softimage)
SCN BPM Studio Scan Files (ALCATech)
SCN SimCity 2000 Scenario City (Electronic Arts, Inc.)
SCN Calgari trueSpace2 File Format
SCN Compressed Screen Format
SCN Kermit Screen Dump or File
SCN TrueSpace Scene File (Caligari Corporation)
SCO Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SCO cSound Score (Csounders)
SCO Scøøp Script
SCO High Score
SCO ObjectJ AuthorJ Saved Lesson
SCODL AGFA Slide Bitmap
SCORE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SCOREFONT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SCORERS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SCORES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SCOTT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SCP Script
SCP Dial-Up Networking Script (Microsoft)
SCP ColorRIX VGA Paint Bitmap (RIX SoftWorks Inc.)
SCP Atari Disk Image (Atari)
SCPT AppleScript Script (Apple Computer, Inc.)
SCQ?? SAS Version 6 Sequential Access File Catalog (SAS Institute Inc.)
SCR Mastercam Dialog Script File (CNC Software, Inc.)
SCR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SCR LocoScript Screen Font File (LocoScript Software)
SCR Faxview Fax
SCR Script
SCR Image Pro Plus Ver. 1.x – 4.5.1.x Macro (Media Cybernetics Inc.)
SCR Sun Raster Graphic
SCR Statistica Scrollsheet
SCR Windows Screen Saver
SCR Screen Font
SCR Screen Dump
SCR Movie Master Screenplay
SCR Procomm Plus Screen Snapshot File
SCR1 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SCR2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SCRAP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SCREEN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SCRIPT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SCRIPT VBScript File (Microsoft)
SCRIPT Desktop DNA Application Script
SCRIPT Win Help Related File
SCRIPT SitePad Pro Script File (Modelworks Software)
SCRIPTLAS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SCRN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SCROLL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SCROLL2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SCROLL7 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SCS SCS Programs Applications Licence System Functions (Standby Computer Systems)
SCS StuffIt Saved Criteria
SCS Lotus ScreenCam Script
SCS Samsung Q105 Phone Screen Saver
SCS OzWin CompuServe E-mail/Forum Access SYSOP File
SCS Omron CX-Supervisor
SCS Sealed CSF File (SealedMedia)
SCSF Sealed CSF File (SealedMedia)
SCSI Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SCSV Semicolor-Separated Value
SCS_TOR Insight II Torsion File (Accelrys Software Inc.)
SCT Scitex Continuous Tone Bitmap
SCT PC Tools Script Tools
SCT Windows Script Component
SCT SAS Catalog (SAS Institute Inc.)
SCT SimCity 3000 Real-World Terrain City (Electronic Arts, Inc.)
SCT OzWin CompuServe E-mail/Forum Access Forum Section Names
SCT Foxpro Screen (Microsoft)
SCT Lotus Screen Capture Text (IBM)
SCT?? SAS Version 6 Random Access File Catalog (SAS Institute Inc.)
SCU ColorRIX VGA Paint Bitmap (RIX SoftWorks Inc.)
SCU Systems Management Server (SMS) Site Configuration Update (Microsoft Corporation)
SCV ScanVec CASmate File
SCW Score Writer Document (GenieSoft, Inc.)
SCW SQL Compare Ver 2.xx File (Red Gate Software Limited)
SCW Movie Magic Screenwiter Screenwriter Document (Write Brothers, Inc.)
SCX Giga Pocket Scene Information (Sony)
SCX Stanford Chart Chart
SCX FoxPro Screen File (Microsoft)
SCX Starcraft Scenario/Map (Blizzard Entertainment)
SCX MS Class Browser Form
SCX ColorRIX VGA Paint Bitmap (RIX SoftWorks Inc.)
SCX Rise of Nations Scenario File (Microsoft)
SCX Age of Empires II Scenario File (Microsoft Corporation)
SCY ReaGeniX Security File
SCZ OPENLiMiT SignCubes Zip Container (OPENLiMiT Holding AG)
SCZ Wingz Data
SD Simple Diary
SD Sound Designer Audio
SD Insight II Structure Data File (Accelrys Software Inc.)
SD Entropic Sound Data Format
SD MDL Molfile MDL Structure Data (MDL Information Systems, Inc.)
SD Train Simulator Shape Definition File (Microsoft Corporation)
SD! OzWin CompuServe E-mail/Forum Access Custom Messsage Search Online
SD0 Dali Raw File
SD1 Dali Raw File
SD2 Sound Designer II Audio File (Digidesign a Division of Avid Technology, Inc.)
SD2 Base SAS Database (SAS Institute Inc.)
SD2 Dali Raw File
SD2F Sound Designer II Audio File (Digidesign a Division of Avid Technology, Inc.)
SD7 Daktronics Venus 7000 Electronic Sign Schedule
SDA StarOffice Drawing (Sun)
SDA OneSpace Designer Assembly (CoCreate)
SDA Software Distribution Network File Archive Description
SDA SoftCuisine Data Archive
SDA Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Encrypted Executable (PGP Corporation)
SDA Drawing (
SDA Smart Diary Suite Contacts (Programming Sunrise Ltd.)
SDA Fidonet Software Distribution Network Archive Description
SDAC OneSpace Designer Assembly Container (CoCreate)
SDB Windows Compatibility Solution Database (Microsoft)
SDB Windows Security Database (Microsoft Corporation)
SDB ACT! Sales Data File (Best Software CRM Division)
SDB Single-step Motivational Software User Data Storage (Self Evident Enterprises, LLC.)
SDB yEncExpress Database (TechSono Engineering, Inc.)
SDB SmartQuest Survey Database Configuration (TeleSage Inc.)
SDB Summer Camp Scheduler Database (GPS)
SDB Group Mail Subscriber Plug-in File
SDB SideKick 2 Database
SDB Simply Accounting File
SDB STRIP SDB Utility File
SDB Windows2000 Security Configuration and Analysis Database (Microsoft)
SDC Smart Diary Suite Configuration (Programming Sunrise Ltd.)
SDC StarOffice Spreadsheet (Sun Microsystems, Inc.)
SDC Sexy Desktops Data File (Dancing Bits)
SDC Spreadsheet (
SDD Smart Diary Suite Data (Programming Sunrise Ltd.)
SDD Presentation (
SDD StarOffice Presentation (Sun)
SDD BPM Studio Editor Peak Files (ALCATech)
SDE Drumbeat Exported Data
SDE Steganos Disk Encryption File
SDF MapGuide Spatial Data (Autodesk, Inc.)
SDF Xilinx Integrated Software Environment Standard Delay Format (Xilinx, Inc.)
SDF Sourcer Source Definition File
SDF Schedule Data File
SDF Soundweb Designer File (BSS Audio)
SDF SQL Server Compact Edition Database File (Microsoft Corporation)
SDF Standard Data Format
SDF Standart-Delay-Format
SDF System Data Format File
SDF Ground Control Map File (Massive Entertainment)
SDF MSN Local Machine Mail Storage File (Microsoft)
SDG Star Office Gallery
SDG Smart Diary Suite Graph Configuration (Programming Sunrise Ltd.)
SDI Smart Diary Suite Index (Programming Sunrise Ltd.)
SDI SteelPac Data Interchange File (Constructive Technologies Ltd.)
SDI Super Data Interchange
SDI SeeYou Flight Data (Naviter)
SDI Fidonet Software Distribution Network Info
SDI Borland Single Document Interface (Borland Software Corporation)
SDI QuickBooks Data (Intuit Inc.)
SDK Roland S-series Floppy Disk Image
SDK AutoSketch Drawing (Autodesk, Inc.)
SDK Smart Diary Suite Cookbook (Programming Sunrise Ltd.)
SDL Wavefront Scene Description Language (Alias)
SDL SmartDraw Library (
SDL Parsys Hardware Network Description File
SDL OzWin CompuServe E-mail/Forum Access Custom Messsage Search
SDL Paradox Script (Borland Software Corporation)
SDL Dive Manager Dive Log (Suunto)
SDL Simple Declarative Language (Ikayzo)
SDL Web Service Description Language (Microsoft)
SDM Sun Download Manager Download Instruction File (Sun Microsystems, Inc.)
SDM Dive Manager (Suunto Corporation)
SDM Smart Diary Suite Medication (Programming Sunrise Ltd.)
SDM StarOffice Mail File (Sun)
SDML Spatial Data Modeling Language (VRML) (Silicon Graphics)
SDN Software Distribution Network Compressed File Archive
SDN Smart Diary Suite Ingredients (Programming Sunrise Ltd.)
SDN Fidonet Software Distribution Network Compressed Archive
SDN Shell Archive
SDO Sealed Word Document (SealedMedia)
SDO DB/TextWorks Database Deferred Update Directory
SDOC Sealed Word File (SealedMedia)
SDOT Sealed Word Template (SealedMedia)
SDP QuickTime Session Description Protocol File (Apple Computer, Inc.)
SDP StarOffice Picture File (Sun)
SDP IBM Storyboard PIC Image
SDP Smart Diary Suite Planner (Programming Sunrise Ltd.)
SDP Real Player File
SDP Presentation (
SDQ?? SAS Version 6 Sequential Access File Data (SAS Institute Inc.)
SDR SmartDraw Drawing (
SDR QuickView Pro for DOS Soundcard Driver (Multimediaware)
SDR Smart Diary Suite Reminders (Programming Sunrise Ltd.)
SDR Sounder Music
SDS DUMP Standard MIDI Sample File
SDS StarOffice Chart (Sun)
SDS Raw MIDI Sample Dump Standard File
SDS Chart (
SDS Smart Diary Suite Main Database (Programming Sunrise Ltd.)
SDS?? SAS Version 6 Random Access File Output Delivery System File (SAS Institute Inc.)
SDT Smart Diary Suite Scratch Pad (Programming Sunrise Ltd.)
SDT Siemens Mobile Theme (Siemens AG)
SDT Theme Park World Archive
SDT SmartDraw Template (
SDT QuickBooks Data (Intuit Inc.)
SDT Grand Theft Auto III Audio Structure Data (Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.)
SDT Dungeon Keeper 2 Archive
SDTHEME Desktop Manager Theme (Nintendo)
SDTS Spatial Data Transfer Standard
SDU Edwards Systems Technology
SDV Smart Diary Suite Voice (Programming Sunrise Ltd.)
SDV Semicolon Divided Values File
SDV Pinnacle Studio DV Video Editing Project
SDV Pinnacle Studio Video Editor Project File
SDW Raw Signed DWord (32-bit) Data
SDW Lotue WordPro Drawing
SDW Amidraw Vector Image
SDW StarOffice Text (Sun)
SDW SourceSafe Files in Shadow Directory
SDW Text Document (
SDW Word Pro Graphic (IBM)
SDX Midi Sample Dump Standard Files Compacted by SDX
SDX Sample DUMP Exchange File
SDX Smart Diary Suite Temporary File (Programming Sunrise Ltd.)
SDY Starmoney File
SD_ Audio Utility Midimach Compressed File
SE Mega Man X3 Sound Effect (Capcom U.S.A., Inc.)
SE ScopeEdit Project File
SE DLL Directx Migrate File
SE1 Synthedit File
SE1 Flight Simulator Scenery File (Microsoft)
SE1 CT Summation iBlaze Database File (CT Summation, Inc.)
SE2 CT Summation iBlaze Database File (CT Summation, Inc.)
SE3 CT Summation iBlaze Database File (CT Summation, Inc.)
SEA StuffIT Expander Archive Format (Smith Micro Software)
SEA SCS Programs Data Related To SCS Encryption Methods (Standby Computer Systems)
SEARCH-MS Windows Vista Index Search Data (Microsoft Corporation)
SEARCHL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SEB Franklin eBookMan Format
SEC Disney Animation Studio Secured Animation File
SEC Compressed Archive File
SEC Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Secret Key Ring (PGP Corporation)
SEC MP3 Music File
SEC TAPCIS Forum Section File
SEC Diskreet Encrypted File
SECSTORE Acrobat Secstore File (Adobe)
SECURITY Javasoft JRE 1.3 Library Security File
SED Self Extracting Directive File (Microsoft)
SED Sed/unix Doc File
SED Sedertree Matrix Wheeling Systems System Profile (Bayesoft Technologies)
SEE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SEEM RAZR Phone Control File (Motorola, Inc.)
SEF Steganos Encrypted File
SEG Compressed File Segment
SEGER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SEGMENT0 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SEGMENT1 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SEGMENT2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SEGMENT3 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SEGMENT4 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SEGMENT5 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SEL Paint Shop Pro Selection File (Corel Corporation)
SEL Perceptron Scanner File
SELECT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SEM ZX Spectrum-Emulator Snapshot
SEM Sealed E-mail (SealedMedia)
SEM Alpha Five Set Object File (Alpha Software, Inc.)
SEMA Secured eMail Archive Container for Encrypted Data (Secured eMail AB.)
SEML Sealed E-mail (SealedMedia)
SEN SenTest Test Results (Neyer Software)
SEN Sendbit Application Script (Sendbit)
SENSU Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SENSUX Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SENT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SEO ScopeEdit Object File
SEP SimEnhancer 3D Profile File (Rick Halle)
SEP TIFF Bitmap Separation
SEPROJECT Spatial Workshop Geospatial Project Configuration (Spatial Eye)
SEQ Bubble Chamber Sequential Instruction File
SEQ CyberPaint Sequence (Animation)
SEQ TestStand Sequence File
SEQ Stad File
SEQ Power Tracks Pro Music Sequencer File
SEQ LifeForm File
SEQ Insight II Amino Acid Sequence File (Accelrys Software Inc.)
SEQ Chromeleon Sequence List
SEQ Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SEQ xfit Sequence File
SEQ StreamPix Norpix Sequence Format (NorPix, Inc.)
SEQ dnaLIMS Sequence (dnaTools)
SEQU Acrobat Sequence File (Adobe)
SER Java Serialized Object File (Sun)
SER Webalizer.01 Language File
SER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SERIAL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SERVER Analog File
SERVICES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SES SciTE Session File
SES Audition Session File (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
SES Moziac Session (SWTBASE Softwares)
SES Shadow Security Scanner Session
SES HostAccess Session Configuration File (Quovadx, Inc.)
SES Clarion for Modula-2 Session Data (SoftVelocity)
SES DynaComm Terminal Emulation Session File (FutureSoft, Inc.)
SES Hummingbird Exceed X-Session
SES Digital Audio Editor File
SESTYLES Spatial Workshop Geospatial Style Library (Spatial Eye)
SET Setup Data or Info
SET 1st Reader Configuration
SET Nikon Capture Settings File (Nikon Inc.)
SET AutoCAD LT Set File (Autodesk, Inc.)
SET Symphony Driver Sets Created by Install
SET Configuration
SET Backup File Set (Microsoft Corporation)
SET 3WayPack (The Three-Mode Company)
SET Diablo II Character Set (Blizzard Entertainment)
SET Image Settings
SET Mastercam Setup Sheet Templates (CNC Software, Inc.)
SET Driver Set
SET Alpha Five Set Data Dictionary (Alpha Software, Inc.)
SET HostAccess Session Configuration Template (Quovadx, Inc.)
SET Corel Painter Settings File
SET XANA Web Browser Configuration File (Viktor Heimonen)
SET Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SET Sibelius Sound Set Definition (Sibelius Software Ltd)
SET BPM Studio Encrypted User Information (ALCATech)
SET1 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SET2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SET3 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SETCLOCK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SETUP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SETVERS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SEU Serials 2000 Encrypted S2K Update
SEV SevenuP Graphic/Sprite (Metalbrain)
SEW Janome (New Home) Sewing Machine Stitch File (Janome America, Inc.)
SEX Urban Chaos Game File
SEX Alpha Five Set Index (Alpha Software, Inc.)
SE_ Cakepro Compressed Audio File
SF Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SF IRCAM SoundFile
SF OS/2 WorkPlace Shell WPS Attribute Storage
SF OS/2 WPS Attribute Storage
SF STATGRAPHICS Data File (Manugistics, Inc.)
SF Powerhouse Subfile Data File
SF Signature Instructions File
SF Sound File
SF0 Windows Sytem File Check File
SF2 Creative Labs Soundfont 2.0 Bank File
SF2 Emu SoundFont v2.0 File
SF3 STATGRAPHICS*Plus Data File (Manugistics, Inc.)
SF7 SF-7000 Disk Image (Sega)
SFA Sonic Foundry Video Editor Audio File (Sony Corporation of America)
SFAP0 Sound Forge Proxy File (Sony)
SFARK sfArk SoundFont Compression (MelodyMachine)
SFB STRIP SDB Utility Backup File
SFB HP Soft Font
SFC Windows System File Check File
SFCACHE Windows Vista ReadyBoost Cache File (Microsoft Corporation)
SFD Spline Font Database
SFD Powerhouse Subfile Dictionary
SFD SoundStage Sound File Data
SFD?? SAS Version 6 Random Access File Consolidation Database (SAS Institute Inc.)
SFE Split Files Shell Extension
SFF RVS-COM Fax File (Living Byte Software GmbH)
SFF Structured Fax Format
SFF Stage Scene File
SFF Fritz Fax-Print File
SFF Scene File Format
SFI SIS Framegrabber Graphics
SFI Acoustic Modeler/Acoustic Mirror Acoustic Image (Sony)
SFI Ventura Printer Font
SFI Ventura Publisher HP LaserJet Landscape Printer Font (Corel Corporation)
SFI SoundStage Sound File Info
SFK Modem Spy Sound File (SoftCab Inc.)
SFK Sound Forge Peak Data File (Sony Corporation of America)
SFK ACID PRO Audio Waveform (Sony Pictures Digital Inc.)
SFL LaserJet Landscape Font
SFL Ventura Printer Font
SFL SAM Data File
SFM DART Pro 98 Soundtree Structure
SFO CuteFTP Search File
SFP Ventura Printer Font
SFP LaserJet Portrait Font
SFQ?? SAS Version 6 Sequential Access File Consolidation Database (SAS Institute Inc.)
SFR Sonic Foundry Sample Resource (Sony)
SFS Sibelius Feature & Keyboard Shortcut Set (Sibelius Software Ltd)
SFS StarOffice Frame (Sun)
SFS PCL 5 Scalable Font
SFS Orion Audio File (Synapse)
SFS Frame (
SFT SoftGrid Program Package Container (Softricity, Inc.)
SFT ChiWriter Screen Font
SFV Easy SFV Creator
SFV fsum SFV Checksum File (SlavaSoft Inc.)
SFV QuickSFV Checksum File Verification Database
SFVIDCAP Sonic Foundry Video Capture Project (Sony Corporation of America)
SFW Seattle Film Works Bitmap Graphic (PhotoWorks)
SFW Sound Forge XP Studio Project (Sony)
SFX Self-extracting Archive
SFX STATGRAPHICS*Plus Experimental Design File (Manugistics, Inc.)
SFZ SFzip SoundFont File Archive
SG Sega SG-1000 Image File
SG SciGraphica Data File
SG Disciples II Saved Game (Strategy First)
SG Snap Quiktour File
SG ABC Snap Graphics User File
SG1 Stanford Graphics
SGA SEG-A Seismic Data Format
SGA Relic Entertainment SGA Archive (Relic Entertainment Inc.)
SGB SEG-B Seismic Data Format
SGB Super Gameboy Image File
SGC SEG-C Seismic Data Format
SGCAP caseCATalyst (Stenograph, L.L.C.)
SGCDB caseCATalyst (Stenograph, L.L.C.)
SGCPO caseCATalyst (Stenograph, L.L.C.)
SGD GeneSnap SYNGENE Secure SGD Format (Synoptics Ltd.)
SGD SameGame Data File
SGD SmartGo Game Database (Smart Go, Inc.)
SGD SEG-D Seismic Data Format
SGD Lahey Blackbeard Help File
SGDCT caseCATalyst (Stenograph, L.L.C.)
SGEZT caseCATalyst (Stenograph, L.L.C.)
SGF Sonique Document with Graphics
SGF Smart Game Format
SGF StarWriter Document
SGG STATGRAPHICS*Plus StatGallery File (Manugistics, Inc.)
SGGLB caseCATalyst (Stenograph, L.L.C.)
SGI Silicon Graphics IRIS Graphic File (Silicon Graphics, Inc.)
SGI Sealed GIF Image (SealedMedia)
SGIF Sealed GIF File (SealedMedia)
SGKBD caseCATalyst (Stenograph, L.L.C.)
SGL StarOffice Master Document (Sun)
SGL Master Document (
SGL Selectrocution Slogan Line File (SigmaTech Software)
SGM SoftQuad XMetaL File
SGM Visual Boy Advance Saved State File
SGM Standard Generalized Markup Language IETF Document
SGMAC caseCATalyst (Stenograph, L.L.C.)
SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language IETF Document
SGN Sierra Print Artist Sign
SGNGL caseCATalyst (Stenograph, L.L.C.)
SGO SansGUI Object Library File
SGP Acoustica MP3 Audio Mixer File
SGP SansGUI Project Model File
SGP ShareGuard (Zapper Software)
SGP STATGRAPHICS*Plus StatFolio File (Manugistics, Inc.)
SGP Sitestepper File (E.De.L.Com bvba)
SGPGL caseCATalyst (Stenograph, L.L.C.)
SGPHN caseCATalyst (Stenograph, L.L.C.)
SGR SimCity 4 Graphics Rules (Electronic Arts, Inc.)
SGR S-PLUS Saved Graph (Insightful Corporation)
SGS Sitestepper Skeleton File (E.De.L.Com bvba)
SGS SansGUI Schema Definition File
SGSAV caseCATalyst (Stenograph, L.L.C.)
SGSTN caseCATalyst (Stenograph, L.L.C.)
SGSYS caseCATalyst (Stenograph, L.L.C.)
SGT Hitman Game Sound File
SGT Signature Keyboard Macro
SGT DirectMusic Producer Segments Type (Microsoft)
SGT SPSS Chart Template (SPSS, Inc.)
SGU Band-in-a-Box
SGU GJDV Word Processor Keyboard Definition File
SGW Snap Quiktour File
SGW Settler GOLD for Windows Data File
SGX Lahey Fortran Help File Index
SGX Rational XDE (IBM)
SGXV Sitestepper Extra Variables (E.De.L.Com bvba)
SGY SEG-Y Seismic Data Format
SH UNIX shar Archive File
SH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SH UNIX/LINUX Shell Script
SH3 Harvard Graphics Presentation (Harvard Graphics)
SHA CorelDRAW Shader (Corel)
SHA Systems Management Server (SMS) Site Hierarchy Addition (Microsoft Corporation)
SHA Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SHADER Script File for Game Textures
SHADER Homeworld (Sierra Entertainment, Inc.)
SHADOW Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SHAK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SHAPE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SHAPES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SHAPES1 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SHAPES2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SHAPES3 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SHAR UNIX shar Archive File
SHAR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SHB Corel Background File
SHB Windows Shortcut into a Document
SHD Print Spooler Shadow File (Microsoft)
SHD Metatools Bryce Support Materials Catalogue
SHD ArcView ARC/INFO Shadeset Symbol File (ESRI)
SHE Windows 95 .ShellExt
SHE Medusa CAD File
SHEET Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SHELL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SHEPHERD Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SHF Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Share (PGP Corporation)
SHG Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap
SHGR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SHH Automated Setup Template
SHIFTS ARIA PIPP Chemical Shifts File
SHIP Homeworld Ship Data (Sierra Entertainment, Inc.)
SHIP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SHIPSECTION Sword of the Stars Ship File (Kerberos Productions Inc.)
SHIRAZ Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SHK Shake Script (Apple)
SHK ShrinkIt Apple II Compressed Archive
SHL Inno Setup String Tables File
SHM WordPerfect Shell Macro (Corel Corporation)
SHN Shorten Audio Compression File (SoftSound Limited)
SHO MyPaintShow Screensaver Creation (Rett Software)
SHOOTER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SHOP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SHORTCUT As-U-Type Text Shortcut File (Fanix Software)
SHOT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SHOW Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SHP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SHP Printmaster Icon Library
SHP Clarion for Windows Ship List (SoftVelocity)
SHP 3D Modeling
SHP GIS Software Geographic Shape File
SHP 3D Studio Shapes File (Autodesk, Inc.)
SHP AutoCAD Shape File and Source File for Text Fonts (Autodesk, Inc.)
SHP Command & Conquer File
SHP ESRI GIS & Mapping Software Shape File
SHP ArcView Shape (ESRI)
SHP2 Marathon 2 Graphics/Shape File (Bungie)
SHR Hanes T-ShirtMaker Design File (Hanes)
SHR shar Archive File
SHR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SHRINK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SHS Shell Scrap Object File (Microsoft Corporation)
SHT S-HTML Document
SHT WaveStar Datasheet (Oscilloscope Waveform) (Tektronix, Inc.)
SHTM HTML File Containing Server Side Directives (Microsoft)
SHTML HTML File Containing Server Side Directives (Microsoft)
SHUTDOWN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SHV Embroidery File
SHW PMView Slideshow File (Nielsen Software Enterprises)
SHW Harvard Graphics DOS Ver. 2/x Presentation (Harvard Graphics)
SHW Presentation SlideShow (Corel)
SHW Expression Off-line 3.1 Show File
SHW Show File
SHW WordPerfect Slide Show (Corel Corporation)
SHWRE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SHX ArcView DataBase Index (ESRI)
SHX AutoCAD Shape Entities (Autodesk, Inc.)
SHX GIS Software Geographic Shape Index File
SHX RAZR Flash File (Motorola, Inc.)
SHY ShyFile Encrypted Binary Data (Dr. Bootz GmbH)
SHZ Ximage File
SI SoftImage Image File
SI3 Siemens Mobile Phone Sound File (Siemens)
SIA Silo 3D Model (Nevercenter Ltd. Co.)
SIB Sibelius Music/Score File (Sibelius Software Ltd)
SIC Quicken 2002 Order File (Intuit Inc.)
SIC Systems Management Server (SMS) Complete Software Inventory (Microsoft Corporation)
SID Systems Management Server (SMS) Software Inventory Delta (Microsoft Corporation)
SID Commodore64 (C64) Music File (SID File)
SID LizardTech MrSID Photo
SIDESPREAD Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SIERRA Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SIF ISIF Format Vector Data
SIF Windows NT Setup File
SIF Spatial Index (Autodesk, Inc.)
SIG Powersim Studio Simulation Game (Powersim Software AS)
SIG Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Signs File (PGP Corporation)
SIG Print Shop Sign File
SIG Signature File
SIG Creatacard Fax Cover Sheet or Form or Sign or Photo Gallery Project (Broderbund)
SIG Nicolet PRISM Data File (Nicolet Instrument Technologies, Inc.)
SIG SpyBot-Search-and-Destroy Ver. 1.2 Signature File
SIGN GnuPG Key File (Free Software Foundation, Inc.)
SIGN Archive
SIGNUP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SIK Backup
SIL Spameater Pro Import File
SILK Same as SLK
SIM Telix SIMPLE Script Source
SIM Simulation
SIM PowerDVD File
SIM VTune Performance Monitor (Intel)
SIM Aurora
SIM Stagecast Creator Simulation (Stagecast Software, Inc.)
SIM SimulationX Model File (ITI Gesellschaft für ingenieurtechnische Informationsverarbeitung mbH)
SIM PC Finder 2002C
SIM SAP Course Material (SAP)
SIMPLE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SIMS2PACK The Sims Compacted Resource File (Electronic Arts (Maxis))
SIN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SIN Rise of Nations Campaign Media File (Microsoft)
SIP Sitestepper Image Parameters (E.De.L.Com bvba)
SIP SCRIPT Internet Protocol (Cubrix Group)
SIP Powersim Studio Simulation Project (Powersim Software AS)
SIP Scoptrax File
SIQ?? SAS Version 6 Sequential Access File Data File Index (SAS Institute Inc.)
SIR SIR (Scientific Information Retrieval) Database (ver 1-3)
SIR Solitaire Image Recorder
SIS SymbianOS Installer File
SIS Student Information System Data File (Enray Consulting, Inc.)
SIS Nokia Phone Program (Nokia)
SIT Sinclair Snapshot
SIT StuffIt Compressed Archive File (Allume Systems, Inc.)
SIT?? SAS Version 6 Random Access File Item Store File (SAS Institute Inc.)
SITAR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SITE GoLive Website Project File (Adobe Systems Inc.)
SITES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SITHQX StuffIt Compressed Archive File
SITX StuffIt StuffIt X Archive (Aladdin Systems, Inc.)
SIV ShopCalc Pro File
SIX Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SIZ Oracle 7 Configuration
SIZED Gallery Resized Photo (Bharat Mediratta)
SJF Split Files Shell Extension
SJP 3WayPack (The Three-Mode Company)
SJP Sealed JPEG Image (SealedMedia)
SJPG Sealed JPEG File (SealedMedia)
SJS SimCity Bulidings Add-on (Electronic Arts, Inc.)
SJX Seljax Estimating and 3D Design
SJ_ Superjam Compressed Audio File
SK Dispatch SAS Timetable File (Scott Andrew Borton)
SK Sketch Drawing
SKA Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Secret Keyring (PGP Corporation)
SKB QuickPOS (Point-Of-Sale) Standard Keyboard Layout File
SKB SketchUp Backup Document (Google)
SKC SKCARD SideKick for Windows
SKC Isis/Draw Molecule File (MDL Information Systems, Inc.)
SKCARD SideKick for Windows Card File
SKD WinOrbit File
SKD Max Payne Model File (Rockstar Games)
SKD AutoSketch Drawing Database (Autodesk, Inc.)
SKD SSEYO Koan Design File
SKD VEX Format File
SKELETON Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SKF AutoSketch Thumbnail (Autodesk, Inc.)
SKF SkinCrafter Skin File (SkinCrafter)
SKF Sage Accounting Software Data (The Sage Group plc)
SKI RAZR Phone Skin (Motorola, Inc.)
SKI Sage Accounting Software Instruction File (The Sage Group plc)
SKIN InstallShield Skin File (InstallShield Software Corporation)
SKL Authorware Resource (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
SKL WinLIFT Skin (Patrice Terrier)
SKM SSEYO Koan Mix File
SKN Skantek
SKN The Sims 3D Body Mesh Skin Data (Electronic Arts (Maxis))
SKN eRocket eBook Skin
SKN FileWrangler/SecurDesk!/ImageForge Graphic Skin
SKN Windows Media Player for Pocket PC Skin (Microsoft)
SKN Photono-Software Stealther Skin
SKN Virtual TI Skin
SKO Sage Accounting Software Executable (The Sage Group plc)
SKP Sage Accounting Software Print Format (The Sage Group plc)
SKP AutoSketch SketchUp Component (Autodesk, Inc.)
SKP SSEYO Koan Play File
SKP SketchUp Document (Google)
SKR ScriptIt (Microsoft)
SKR Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Private Keyring (PGP Corporation)
SKS Shareaza Skins File (Shareaza Pty. Ltd.)
SKS Expression 3 Skeletal Strokes (Creature House Ltd.)
SKT SSEYO Koan Template File
SKT Shorten Audio File Seek Table (SoftSound Limited)
SKT WinSketch Pro Diagram (Jammin Software, Inc.)
SKW SKWRITE SideKick Write or Calendar
SKWRITE SKWRITE SideKick Write or Calendar
SKX Segue Roaming Client Skin (PCTEL)
SKY SKY Compressed Archive
SKY ActiveSky Movie Clips for Palm OS
SKY Multiplan SYLK Spreadsheet File
SKZ coverXP Skin File
SK_ Audio Utility Koan Compressed File
SL EROSION 3D Soil Parameters
SL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SL Sam Spade Startup Script (Steve Atkins)
SL PACT’s Save Layout
SL S-Lang Program File
SLA Scribus Document (Franz Schmid)
SLABFACE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SLAP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SLASHER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SLASHER2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SLB AutoCAD Slide Library (Autodesk, Inc.)
SLB P-CAD Symbols Library (Altium Limited)
SLC Business Integrator License File (Pervasive Software Inc.)
SLC CAD Slice File
SLC Telix Compiler SALT Script
SLD AutoCAD Slide (Autodesk, Inc.)
SLD Paint Shop Pro Styled Line (Corel Corporation)
SLD XnView Slide Show (Pierre-Emmanuel Gougelet)
SLD STABCAL (stability calculation for aqueous systems) File
SLD Superlister
SLDASM SolidWorks Assembly Document (SolidWorks Corporation)
SLDDRW SolidWorks Drawing Document (SolidWorks Corporation)
SLDLFP SolidWorks Library Feature Part (SolidWorks Corporation)
SLDPRT SolidWorks Part File (SolidWorks Corporation)
SLE Sisulizer Exchange (Sisulizer Ltd & Co KG)
SLE Steganos Security Suite Virtual Secure Drive (Steganos GmbH)
SLEIGH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SLF Shopcalc List File
SLF Symantec License File (Symantec Corporation)
SLF Suppose Stand List File
SLF SuperLink Folder Manager for Readers
SLF SortWizard Export Format
SLF NTgraph Setup30 File
SLF SLIDE: Scene Language for Interactive Dynamic Environments File
SLF Mail Warden
SLF Segment Layout File
SLF Select-a-Net Language File (Digerati Technologies, LLC)
SLF Jagged Alliance 2
SLG Chromeleon Audit Trail
SLG AutoCAD Status Log (Autodesk, Inc.)
SLI Slice
SLI MagiCorp Side Service Slide
SLICKEDIT Bugslayer Tracesrv File
SLIP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SLK Timeslips Lock File
SLK Data Exchange File
SLL Sound File
SLL Spreadsheet Load Library
SLL Smalltalk Library
SLL Static Link Library
SLL1 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SLL7 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SLM Visual FoxPro (Microsoft)
SLN Visual Studio .NET Solution (Microsoft)
SLO Dazzle Dazzle Realization Solo
SLO Webalizer.01 Language File
SLOW Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SLP Pro/ENGINEER Rendering File (PTC)
SLP Timeslips Data File
SLP Rise of Nations Campaign Media File (Microsoft)
SLP Sisulizer Project (Sisulizer Ltd & Co KG)
SLT ZX Spectrum-Emulator
SLT Super Level Loader Snapshot
SLT K-Meleon Browser Settings
SLT Selection
SLT Telix SALT Script Application
SLT FinSafe Terminal Smartlet
SLU Business Integrator Upgrade License File (Pervasive Software Inc.)
SLV Silva Export/Import Format (Infrae)
SLW Settler LITE for Windows Data File
SLW SleepScan Analysis Offset Index File (Bio-logic Systems Corp.)
SLX Superlister
SLX FinSafe Terminal XML Smartlet Control
SLY Complete Works Spreadsheet Template (Toplevel Computing)
SLY Parts of a Lilypond Guitar File
SM StepMania Song File (StepMania Team)
SM SoftSpoken Mailer Mailing List
SM Samna Word Text File
SM SignMate Graphic (Roland DGA Corporation)
SM ScriptMaker Script
SM Simentor Data File
SM Smalltalk Program File
SM Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SM$ Modem Bitware Fax Disk2 File
SM+ DataCAD Plus Symbol File (DATACAD LLC)
SM2 Terrasoft Summary Table
SM3 DataCAD Symbol File (DATACAD LLC)
SMA Silva Media Archive (Infrae)
SMALL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SMALLER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SMART1 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SMART2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SMART3 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SMART4 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SMARTDEBUG Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SMARTDTS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SMARTGSOS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SMARTHCGS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SMARTMATH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SMARTMISC Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SMARTPORT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SMARTRECS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SMARTSANE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SMARTSPEECH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SMARTSTACKS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SMC Super Nintendo Game-console ROM Image
SMC Soundweb Macro (BSS Audio)
SMC SmartMaster LOTUS Freelance Graphics 9x Scene File
SMCL Stata Saved Formatted Logs
SMD Steam Source SDK Model Source File (Valve Corporation)
SMD IMail Server Mail Message (Ipswitch, Inc.)
SMD SmartWare II, version 1.02
SMD Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Emulator ROM Image (Sega)
SMD Polyphonic Ringtone File for Phones
SMD Mail Document (
SMD StarOffice Mail (Sun)
SMDL SQL Server Report Model (Microsoft Corporation)
SMDL UTD File Sharing Server Control File
SME SmartEncryptor Encrypted Archive (SmartSoft)
SMF Standard MIDI File
SMF StarOffice Formula (Sun)
SMF Formula (
SMF Smartfax Fax
SMF System Monitor Session (Towodo Software)
SMFX Fusion Pro Temporary Database File (S-Matrix Corporation)
SMG inChorus Media Player Sound File (inChorus)
SMH Sealed MHT Document (SealedMedia)
SMHT Sealed MHT Archive (SealedMedia)
SMI Siemens Mobile Phone Inbox SMS File (Siemens)
SMI SMILES (Daylight Chemical Information Systems, Inc.)
SMI RealPlay SMIL File (RealNetworks, Inc.)
SMI Self Mounting Image File (Apple Computer, Inc.)
SMI Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
SMI CC:Mail Smart Icon (IBM)
SMIL Real Player Sound File
SMIL Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
SMITH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SMK Starcraft Portrait File
SMK Smacker Compressed Movie/Video (RAD Game Tools, Inc.)
SMK Nascar Racing 99 Image File
SMK Deer’s Revenge Image File
SMK RAD Video Tools Smacker Compressed Video
SML Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
SML Simple Markup Language
SML Simile Model File (Simulistics Ltd.)
SML Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SML1 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SML2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SML3 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SMM Ami Pro Macro (IBM)
SMN ParaGraph WorkScript Font
SMN Samma Word Text
SMO Sealed QuickTime Movie (SealedMedia)
SMO Siemens Mobile Phone Outbox SMS File (Siemens)
SMO SmartMorph Saved Animation Instructions (MeeSoft)
SMO Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater Music File (Neversoft Entertainment)
SMOOTH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SMOV Sealed QuickTime Movie File (SealedMedia)
SMP Xionics SMP image
SMP Reason NN19 Sampler Instrument Patch (Propellerhead Software)
SMP Sound File
SMP Ad Lib Gold Sample
SMP PhotoImpact Presets (Ulead Systems, Inc.)
SMP Sample or Samplevision Format
SMP Scream Tracker Sample
SMP Photo Express Gallery (Ulead)
SMP Swell Audio (Sampled Data) (Hitech Development AB)
SMP Sprintbit Playlist Manager Media Playlist (Sprintbit Corporation)
SMP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SMP Screensaver Maker Project File (
SMP IMail Server Mail Message (Ipswitch, Inc.)
SMP3 Sealed MP3 File (SealedMedia)
SMPEG Sealed MPEG Movie (SealedMedia)
SMPG Sealed MPG Movie (SealedMedia)
SMQ?? SAS Version 6 Sequential Access File Multi-dimensional Database (SAS Institute Inc.)
SMR Study Model Manager Study Model Visual Record (Gulf Breeze Orthodontic Laboratory)
SMR Spike2 Data File (Cambridge Electronic Design)
SMRD InDesign Import/Export Filter (Adobe Systems Inc.)
SMS Train Simulator Sound Management System (Microsoft Corporation)
SMS Sega Master System ROM Image
SMS Package Definition File (Microsoft)
SMT Apollo Database Engine Memo File
SMT Creator Simulator Symbol File (Tufts University)
SMT SmartWare II Text File
SMT QuickBooks (Intuit Inc.)
SMT IconAuthor SmartObject
SMT HiPer-Six Memo File
SMT CAD Program SMT-circuit Layout
SMU Simple Musical Score
SMV SigmaTel Motion Video (SigmaTel Inc.)
SMV Snes9x Movie Capture Format (The Snes9X Team)
SMV VideoLink Mail Video File (Smith Micro Software, Inc.)
SMV Streaming Mobile Video File
SMV Cadence Symbolic Model Verifier File
SMV MATLAB (The MathWorks, Inc.)
SMV Saved Mail Video
SMW Stenn Media Web Script (StennMedia)
SMW SIMPL Windows Source File (Creston)
SMWT InDesign Import/Export Filter (Adobe Systems Inc.)
SMX Statistica Matrix Spreadsheet
SMX Rational XDE (IBM)
SMX SoniqSync (SoniqCast, LLC)
SMX SysMetrix Skin (Nicholas Decker)
SMZ Audio/Video
SMZIP StepMania Package File (StepMania Team)
SM_ Seqmax Seqprest Compressed Audio File
SN Dispatch Sabena Timetable File (Scott Andrew Borton)
SN Sound Club Editor Compressed Song
SN Serial Number File
SN1 Drive SnapShot Partial Disk Image File (Tom Ehlert Software)
SN2 Sound Club (Bluemoon Interactive)
SN2 Drive SnapShot Partial Disk Image File (Tom Ehlert Software)
SN3 Drive SnapShot Partial Disk Image File (Tom Ehlert Software)
SN4 Drive SnapShot Partial Disk Image File (Tom Ehlert Software)
SN5 Drive SnapShot Partial Disk Image File (Tom Ehlert Software)
SNA Z80 Game Snapshot
SNA Corel Snapfire Slideshow Project File (Corel Corporation)
SNA Drive SnapShot Disk Image File (Tom Ehlert Software)
SNAKE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SNAP Mirage Microdrive Snapshot
SNAPFIREPROJECT Corel Project File (Corel Corporation)
SNAPFIRESHOW Corel Enhanced Slideshow (Corel Corporation)
SNAPSHOT Mirage Microdrive Snapshot
SNARE2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SNB SigmaStat File
SNC ACT! E-mail/Folder Synchronization File (Best Software CRM Division)
SNC Sonarc Compressed RAW PCM Audio
SNC Sonic Adventure DX Chao Garden and Game Progress (Sega of America, Inc.)
SND Interplay/MusicStudio Sound
SND Macintosh Sound Resource
SND Wired For Sound
SND Sounder/Soundtools Sound
SND Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SND Sound Clip
SND Software Toolworks Sound
SND AKAI MPC-series Sample
SND NeXT Sound
SND Raw Unsigned PCM Data
SND Amiga Sound (Amiga)
SND Heroes of Might & Magic 3 Archive
SND2 Marathon 2 Encoded Sound File (Bungie)
SNDJ Audio Module
SNDR Sounder Sound
SNDS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SNDSAO Aleph One Sounds (Marathon Open Source)
SNDT SNDTool Sound
SNES Super Nintendo Game File
SNF Starry Night Document (Imaginova Canada Ltd.)
SNF DESQview Font (Symantec)
SNF UNIX Font File
SNG Midisoft Studio MIDI Song
SNG Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SNG Song
SNG GoatTracker C64 Song File (Covert BitOps)
SNI MDK Archive
SNIFFER Sniffer Trace File
SNIP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SNK Strong Name Key File (Microsoft)
SNL Egrid32 Form Snippet (
SNM Netscape Mail E-mail Message File (Netscape)
SNM?? SAS Version 6 Random Access File Data Mining Database (SAS Institute Inc.)
SNO Siege Editor Node
SNO SNOBOL Program File
SNOOP Sun Snoop Capture File
SNOW Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SNOWFLKS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SNP SQL Compare Ver 3.xx File (Red Gate Software Limited)
SNP Snapview Snapshot
SNP Computer Eyes Video Output
SNP CoffeeCup HTML Editor Snippet (CoffeeCup Software, Inc.)
SNP Access Snapshop (Microsoft)
SNP Worm W32/Nafbot-B
SNT Tonline E-mail Sent File
SNT VISSDK Vislocalinfo File (Microsoft)
SNT Sticky Notes (Microsoft)
SNU AVG File (GRISOFT, s.r.o.)
SNX Mirage Microdrive Snapshot Extended Version
SNX StarCraft Saved File (Blizzard Entertainment)
SNX Second Nature Screensaver Graphic (Second Nature)
SNX QuickBooks Data (Intuit Inc.)
SNX?? SAS Version 6 Random Access File Data File Index (SAS Institute Inc.)
SNYDERSPEED Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SN_ Guitarws Compressed Audio File
SO Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SO UNIX Shared Library Function
SO Oberlin DRAGN Graph Algorithm
SO Fortran 90 Shared Object
SO TAPCIS Sysop Commands (Sysop Version Only)
SO2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SOA Sage MAS 90 Accounting Software File
SOB Visual Basic
SOC Uefa Champions League Logic File
SOC SociometryPlus Sociometric Group
SOD Star Trek Armada 3D Image File
SOD Spear of Destiny Data File (Id Software, Inc.)
SOE Shadows of the Empire
SOF Quartus II SRAM Object File (Altera Corporation)
SOF ReSOF Archive (Spectrum Software)
SOFTDISK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SOFTWARE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SOI MENSI 3D Laser Enhanced 3D Scanner File (Trimble Navigation Limited)
SOK Sokoban++ Level File
SOL Flash MX SharedObject
SOL MATRA Prelude Solids
SOL Game Solution
SOLITAIRESAVE-MS Solitaire Saved Game (Microsoft Corporation)
SOLVE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SOM Quattro Pro Network Serial Numbers
SOM Paradox Sort Info
SON SoundBlaster Studio II Song File (Creative Labs)
SON SBStudio Song File
SONATA Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SONG Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SONG1 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SONG3 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SONG4 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SONG5 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SONGWRITING Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SONIC MediaHub File (Sonic Solutions)
SOQ?? SAS Version 6 Sequential Access File Output Delivery System File (SAS Institute Inc.)
SOR Paradox Sort Definition (Borland Software Corporation)
SORT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SORT1 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SORT2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SORTER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SOS Adventure SOS Compiled Adventure Game Walkthrough (Hungry Software)
SOS Dynamite VSP Swept Object Style (3am Solutions (UK) Limited)
SOS DRS SOSKIT Barcode Decode Instructions (DRS Data & Research Services plc)
SOS EnSight Master Server File (Computational Engineering International (CEI))
SOT Adventure SOS Adventure Game Walkthrough Source File (Hungry Software)
SOU SoundBlaster Studio Sound File (Creative Labs)
SOU Sound Tool Sound
SOU SBStudio Sound File
SOU LucasArts Sound File (Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd.)
SOUND Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SOUNDCOM Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SOUNDEX Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SOUNDS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SOUNDSMITH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SOUP Message / E-mail
SOURCE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SOURCE2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SOURCE3 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SOURCES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SOURCES Squeak Source File
SOW ARJ Archive
SOX Schema for Object Oriented XML
SO_ Score MIDIprglite Compressed File
SP Splint Compressed Archive File
SP Supaplex Demo File (Elmer Productions)
SP ZX Spectrum-Emulator Source Profile
SP VgaSpec/Spectrum Snapshot
SP Micrografx ABC Snap Graphic
SP Spice Data
SP SignPlot Sign-face Data Format File (Buchanan Computing)
SP1 Various Games
SP2 Various Games
SP4 20-20 CAP Studio Worksheet File (20-20 Technologies)
SPA Advanced Computer Architecture Traffic Simulation
SPA FutureSplash Flash File (Macromedia)
SPA Spectral Data File
SPA Thermo Nicolet OMNIC File
SPA SmartPA Saved Capture File
SPA Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPA Smart Protocol Analyzer Real Time Communication Data
SPACE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPACE-HEAD! Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPACE1 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPACECHECK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPACEDEBRIS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPACEINDENT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPACEINV Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPACELOVE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPACEREVOLUTION Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPACEWALK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPADE Snort File
SPADES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPARC Sun OS4 File
SPARSE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPB ToolBook Instructor/Assistant Book (SumTotal Systems, Inc.)
SPB SpareBrains
SPC Interact Shark Port Code Save (Mad Catz, Inc.)
SPC Thermo Galactic SPC File Format
SPC 2D Graphic
SPC Atari Compressed Spectrum File Bitmap Graphic
SPC Multiplan Program
SPC X-12-Arima Input Specification File (U.S. Census Bureau)
SPC Spectral and Chromatographic Data File (Thermo Electron Corporation)
SPC WordPerfect Temporary File (Corel Corporation)
SPC Spectrum 512 Smooshed/Compressed File
SPC SpchComp Encoded Speech/Audio
SPC Super NES Music/Audio Data
SPC PKCS #7 Certificate
SPD SafeNet MUVPN Security Policy Database (WatchGuard Technologies, Inc.)
SPD Speedo Scalable Font
SPD Sealed Acrobat Document (SealedMedia)
SPD Speech Data File
SPD SoftPlan Architectural Drawing File (SoftPlan Systems Inc.)
SPD Patch File (Adobe)
SPD ACT! SideACT! Data (Best Software CRM Division)
SPD Harvard Graphics Bitstream Typefaces (Harvard Graphics)
SPD SpyProof! Encrypted Disk Data (Information Security Corporation)
SPD PostScript Printer (Adobe)
SPD Mini-driver
SPDESIGNASAX SharePoint Designer (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNASMX SharePoint Designer (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNBOT SharePoint Designer (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNCONFIG SharePoint Designer Configuration File (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNCSS SharePoint Designer CSS File (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNDOCLIB SharePoint Designer Design Library (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNEDITED SharePoint Designer (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNHOMEOP SharePoint Designer (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNHOMEPG SharePoint Designer (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNHTML SharePoint Designer (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNHTT SharePoint Designer (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNJS SharePoint Designer (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNLINKBAR SharePoint Designer (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNLIST SharePoint Designer (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNLISTDATA SharePoint Designer (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNMASTER SharePoint Designer (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNNAV SharePoint Designer (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNNOPUB SharePoint Designer (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNOPEN SharePoint Designer (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNPICLIB SharePoint Designer (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNRESX SharePoint Designer (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNSITEMAP SharePoint Designer Site Map (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNSKIN SharePoint Designer Skin (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNSURVEY SharePoint Designer (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNTHEME SharePoint Designer Theme (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNTXT SharePoint Designer Text (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNUNKNOWN SharePoint Designer (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNWEB SharePoint Designer (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNWFDOCLIB SharePoint Designer (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNXML SharePoint Designer (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNXOML SharePoint Designer (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNXSL SharePoint Designer (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDESIGNXSLT SharePoint Designer (Microsoft Corporation)
SPDF Sealed PDF File (SealedMedia)
SPE WinView CCD Image Format (Princeton Instruments – a division of Roper Scientific)
SPEC General Specification File
SPECS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPEED Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPEF Standard Parasitic Extraction Format
SPEF SP Text Encoder Encoded Text File (SP Programs)
SPELL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPELLING As-U-Type Spelling Dictionary (Fanix Software)
SPF SlingPlayer Saved Favorites File (Sling Media)
SPF Site Publisher Profile
SPF Still Picture Interchange File Format Bitmap
SPF StruCad 3D Model File (StruCad)
SPF Jose SciEditor Project
SPF 2D Graphic
SPF EnerGraphics Slide Presentation
SPF Setup File
SPG Sprint Glossary
SPH Ribbons Sphere
SPH SDR99 Speech Recognition Task SPHERE Waveform
SPH Pov-ray for Windows (Persistence of Vision Raytracer Pty Ltd.)
SPHELP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPHERES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPHH Smart Pet Health Home Main Database (Programming Sunrise Ltd.)
SPHP Smart Pet Health Professional Main Database (Programming Sunrise Ltd.)
SPI Stupsi Script
SPI Scanner Graphics
SPIDERSOLITAIRESAVE-MS Spider Solitaire Saved Game (Microsoft Corporation)
SPIEL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPIFF Still Picture Interchange File Format Bitmap
SPINES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPJ Site Publisher Project File (Helexis Software Development)
SPK Acorn Spark Compressed Archive
SPK SpyProof! Encrypted Symmetric Key File (Information Security Corporation)
SPL Split Files Shell Extension
SPL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPL Printer Spool File
SPL Sample File
SPL Shockwave Flash Object
SPL Sound
SPL Spell Checker
SPL sPlan Circuit Diagram (ABACOM Ingenieurbüro)
SPL Sprint Printer Driver
SPL SoniqSync (SoniqCast, LLC)
SPL Infinity Game Engine Spell (BioWare Corp.)
SPL Digitrakker Sample
SPL Sprint Customized Printer Driver
SPL Compressed Archive File
SPL Macromedia FutureSplash File
SPLIT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPLITTER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPM WordPerfect (Corel Corporation)
SPN Spanish Readme
SPN Sealed PNG Graphic (SealedMedia)
SPN WordPerfect Distribution File (Corel Corporation)
SPNG Sealed PNG Graphic (SealedMedia)
SPO SPSS Output Document (SPSS, Inc.)
SPOO VirtuaSys (VirtuaSys :: Sistemas Virtuais)
SPOP InterTrust SPOP
SPOT Sealed PowerPoint Template (SealedMedia)
SPOT SPOT Satellite Image Bitmap
SPP Sealed PowerPoint Presentation (SealedMedia)
SPP XSLT Designer Virtual Project (Altova)
SPP Sprint Printer File
SPP SPSS Windows Production Mode Output (SPSS, Inc.)
SPP PhotoPlus Native Format File (Serif)
SPP NMS-Edit Professional Project (ITI-Innovative Technology Inc.)
SPPACK SPPack Sound Sample
SPPT Sealed PowerPoint File (SealedMedia)
SPQ?? SAS Version 6 Sequential Access File Permanent Utility File (SAS Institute Inc.)
SPR Telelogic Tau SDL Suite Design File (Telelogic AB)
SPR Live for Speed Single Player Replay
SPR Psion Series 3 Spreadsheet (Psion PLC)
SPR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPR Sprint Document (Borland Software Corporation)
SPR NeroMix (Nero AG)
SPR Star Trek Armada Sprite Information
SPR Half-Life Sprite (Sierra Entertainment, Inc.)
SPR Sizzler Streaming Animation
SPR RiscOS Archimedes Sprite Format
SPR Pro Motion Sprites Sequence/Animation (Cosmigo)
SPR Lutin
SPR Foxpro Generated Screen Program (Microsoft)
SPRE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPRED Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPRITE Acorn Bitmap
SPRITE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPRITE Sizzler Animation
SPRITE RiscOS Archimedes Sprite Format
SPRITES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPS Sprint Screen Driver
SPS SharkPort File
SPS 2D Graphic
SPS Spectrum 512 Smooshed/Compressed File
SPS Image Atari Spectrum 512
SPS Oracle Package Specification
SPS SPSS Proprietary Syntax File (SPSS Inc.)
SPS VAX/VMS Source Code
SPS XSLT Designer Template (Altova)
SPT MITAC Disk/System Management Utility Pack Support File
SPT Split File
SPT SPITBOL Program File
SPT Liquid Audio Player Secure Portable Track File (Geneva Media, LLC)
SPT egseing Spectrum Mode
SPTOOLS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPU Spectrum 512 Bitmap Image
SPU?? SAS Version 6 Random Access File Permanent Utility File (SAS Institute Inc.)
SPV American McGee Alice Saved Game File (Electronic Arts, Inc.)
SPW SigmaPlot Worksheet
SPW ABC Snap Graphics Workspace Backup
SPW Final Fantasy Sound (Square Enix Co., Ltd)
SPX Speex Encoded Audio
SPX Foxpro Compiler Screen Program (Microsoft)
SPX Screen Peace Extension
SPY Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SPY Wintech Software Design File
SPY Web Page
SPZ Spazz3d VRML File
SPZ Viewport 2 Series Compiled Program Archive (Creston)
SQ Sysquake Application Source Code (Calerga Sarl)
SQ Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SQ7 Daktronics Venus 7000 Electronic Sign Sequence
SQB SyQuest Backup (SYQT, Inc.)
SQB SQLBat Script File
SQC Structured Query Language Common Code File
SQD Sysquake Session Data (Calerga Sarl)
SQD Squish Message Base
SQD 3D Graphic
SQD Misc
SQF FreeMotion Flash Movie (Namo, Inc.)
SQF France98 Football Game fe File
SQH Harbinger
SQI Squish Message Base Index
SQJ AXIS Camera Explorer Movie File (Axis Communications)
SQL Structured Query Language Data
SQL Squish Message Base Last Read Pointers
SQM Operation Flashpoint Mission (Bohemia Interactive and The Codemasters Software Company Limited)
SQM Windows Live Messenger Log File (Microsoft Corporation)
SQN?? SAS Version 6 Sequential Access File Data Mining Database (SAS Institute Inc.)
SQP Sonique Audio Search Query Result
SQR Structured Query Language Program File
SQS Operation Flashpoint Script (Bohemia Interactive and The Codemasters Software Company Limited)
SQT Technics Sx KN 6000 Keyboard Multiple Sequence File
SQW Archive
SQX SQX Archiver Compressed Archive (Rainer Nausedat)
SQZ Compressed Archive File
SR Dispatch Swissair/Crossair Timetable File (Scott Andrew Borton)
SR Sun Raster Graphic
SR Netscape File
SR1 SIR (Scientific Information Retrieval) Database
SR2 Omron CX-Supervisor
SR2 SIR (Scientific Information Retrieval) Database
SR3 SIR (Scientific Information Retrieval) Database
SR4 SIR (Scientific Information Retrieval) Database
SRA PowerBuilder Application (Sybase)
SRB Corel ClipArt ScrapBook
SRC DataFlex Source Code (Data Access Corporation)
SRC Infinity Game Engine Text Storage (BioWare Corp.)
SRC Win32Forth Sequential Block Data
SRC Sourcecode
SRC ProWORX Nxt Search Data (Schneider Electric)
SRC Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SRD Smart Reminder Database (Smart Reminder)
SRD PowerBuilder Data Window (Sybase)
SRE 3WayPack (The Three-Mode Company)
SRE Motorola S-record File
SREC Motorola S-Records
SRF Sony DSC-F828 Raw Image File (Sony)
SRF Sun Raster Graphic File
SRF PowerBuilder Function (Sybase)
SRF Terragen Surface Map (Planetside Software)
SRF SurfSaver (askSam Systems)
SRF myMP3PRO Skin (Pinnacle Systems, Inc.)
SRF Siebel Repository File
SRFMAP Terragen Surface Map (Planetside Software)
SRG Software Self-Registry File (Microsoft)
SRH Remedy Action Request System Client Saved Search
SRH Smart Reminder Holiday List (Smart Reminder)
SRI Voice It Link Compressed Voice File
SRJ PowerBuilder Project (Sybase)
SRM SRM Training System Exercise Data (Schoberer Rad Messtechnik)
SRM Super Nintendo ROM Saved File
SRM PowerBuilder Menu (Sybase)
SRO GALAXY-II Architecture BATCHMODE Server Transcribed User Utterance Waveform
SRO 3WayPack (The Three-Mode Company)
SRO Multi-Site ATIS Data Collection Working Group (MADCOW) Speech Recognition Detailed Transcription File
SRP Gregg Keyboarding Configuration
SRP QuickLink Script
SRPM Redhat Linux RPM Source File
SRQ Unprocessed Microsoft Server Request
SRQ?? SAS Version 6 Sequential Access File Item Store File (SAS Institute Inc.)
SRS Outlook 2002 Send/Receive Settings File (Microsoft)
SRS Partially Processed Microsoft Server Request
SRS PowerBuilder Structure (Sybase)
SRS Sun Raster Bitmap
SRS Search and Replace Script (Funduc Software)
SRT SubRipper Subtitle Information (Zuggy)
SRT Skymap Data File
SRT SDR99 Speech Recognition Task Speech Recogniser Transcript
SRT DVD Subtitle File
SRT Omron CX-Supervisor
SRT BSPlayer Subtitle (WEBTEH Ltd.)
SRU PowerBuilder User Object (Sybase)
SRV North American Locomotive Works
SRV NewsPro for Servers Info
SRV Help Maker File
SRV FBB Initialization File
SRV BNBSURVEY Configuration File
SRVC Services
SRVC Super Real-time Video Codec (MegaChips Corporation)
SRW PowerBuilder Window (Sybase)
SR_ Compressed Tvideo Card Neu File
SS XShipWars Sound Scheme File
SS Ribbons Protein File
SS Screen Saver
SS Snappy Configuration File
SS Splash Bitmap Graphic
SS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SS Sam Spade Script (Steve Atkins)
SS Oberlin DRAGN Graph Algorithm
SS DrScheme Programming Environment File
SS dnaLIMS 377 Sample Sheet (dnaTools)
SS2 Terrasoft SAS Program File
SS4 SigScribe4 Design (MODRATEC)
SS4 SwordSearcher Program Data File (StudyLamp Software)
SS5BIBLE SwordSearcher Bible Database File (StudyLamp Software)
SS5BOOK SwordSearcher Dictionary or Book Database File (StudyLamp Software)
SS5CMTY SwordSearcher Commentary Database File (StudyLamp Software)
SSA SubStation Alpha Subtitle
SSA Empire Earth Custom Assets File
SSA?? SAS Version 6 Random Access File Access Descriptor File (SAS Institute Inc.)
SSAGE Exchange Server (Microsoft)
SSB Simply Safe Backup Archive (Joshua Cannon Butcher)
SSB SmartSync Pro Program Settings (SmartSync Software)
SSB SwordSearcher Bible Data Module File (StudyLamp Software)
SSB?? SAS Version 6 Random Access File Backup (SAS Institute Inc.)
SSBOARD ScrabbleScam Board (Stuff-By-Magnum)
SSC SSChart Page Layout File (Simian Savants LLC)
SSC HP Library and Tape Tools Script
SSC Scrippy File
SSC Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SSC SourceSafe Configuration
SSC SwordSearcher File
SSC MediaShout Presentation Script (MediaComplete)
SSD Base SAS Database (SAS Institute Inc.)
SSD Style Sheet Definition File
SSD Snagit Studio Design File
SSD Painter4 Script File
SSD?? SAS Version 6 Randon Access File Data (SAS Institute Inc.)
SSF Sound Set File
SSF Strand 300 Lighting Console Show File (Strand Lighting)
SSF GPS Pathfinder Office Almanac and Base Data File (Trinble Navigation Limited)
SSF Eventcorder Screenshots (CMS)
SSF Enable Spreadsheet File
SSG SCRABBLE Saved Game File (Handmark, Inc.)
SSG Single-step Motivational Software Goal Template (Self Evident Enterprises, LLC.)
SSG Investor’s Toolkit Stock Selection Guide File (ICLUBcentral Inc.)
SSH Style Sheet for MS Internet Explorer
SSH DataFellows Secure Shell Document
SSH2 SSH Secure Shell Client
SSI Installer/GD Software Setup Information
SSI SriSun
SSI HTML with Server Side Includes
SSI SSI Web Study File (Sawtooth Software, Inc.)
SSK SmartSketch File
SSK ALSong Media Player Skin (ESTsoft)
SSK SwordSearcher File
SSL Corel Flowchart Symbol Library File
SSL Sessions List
SSL Paradox Version 5 File (Borland Software Corporation)
SSM RealPlay Standard Streming Metafile
SSM?? SAS Version 6 Random Access File Multi-dimensional Database (SAS Institute Inc.)
SSMIL Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
SSP Splitter Multipart Split File (Sarasoft)
SSP Axialis Screensaver
SSP SAS Transport Data (SAS Institute Inc.)
SSP SmartSync Pro (SmartSync Software)
SSP Ultra Screen Saver Maker Project File (Finalhit Ltd.)
SSP?? SAS Version 6 Random Access File Stored Program (DATA step) (SAS Institute Inc.)
SSQ?? SAS Version 6 Sequential Access File Stored Program (DATA step) (SAS Institute Inc.)
SSS Studio Session Song File Format
SSS Sudden Strike Saved Game
SSS Steel Smart System Project File (Applied Science International, LLC)
SSS Saved Game of Heart Of Darkness
SST Certificate Store Crypto Shell Extension (Microsoft)
SST Yamaha Session Style (Yamaha Corporation of America)
SST Sea Surface Temperature File
SST?? SAS Version 6 Random Access File Audit File (SAS Institute Inc.)
SSU Systems Management Server (SMS) Hierarchy Manager Site Update (Microsoft Corporation)
SSV ShadowFlare Saved Game (Denyusha Co.,Ltd.)
SSV Chartfile
SSV?? SAS Version 6 Random Access File Data View (SAS Institute Inc.)
SSVG Scalable Vector Graphics File
SSW Sealed Flash File (SealedMedia)
SSWF Sealed Flash File (SealedMedia)
SSX ScreenShare Data File
SSX VersaPro Smart Store Document
SSX Rational XDE (IBM)
SSY W32/Sober-AD
SSY ScreenShare Compressed Data File
ST Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ST Progress Database Struction Definition (Progress Software Corporation)
ST ShakeTracker
ST Atari ST Disk Image
ST Scream Tracker Instrument Library
ST Homeworld (Sierra Entertainment, Inc.)
ST NeoPaint Stamp File
ST0 Spice Status
ST1 DigiTitle Subtitle File (Converge Horizons)
ST1 Spice Status
ST1H Fanuc Parameter File (FANUC Robotics America, Inc.)
ST2 Spice Status
ST3 Star 3 MIDI Karaoke File
ST3 Spice Status
ST3 SimCity 3000 Starter Town City (Electronic Arts, Inc.)
ST4 SBIG CCD Camera ST-4
ST4 Spice Status
ST5 Spice Status
ST5 SBIG CCD Camera ST-5
ST6 Spice Status
ST6 SBIG CCD Camera ST-6
ST7 SBIG CCD Camera ST-7
ST7 Spice Status
ST8 SBIG CCD Camera ST-8
ST8 Spice Status
ST9 Spice Status
ST9 SBIG Astronomical Image
STA Statistica Spreadsheet
STA Brazilian MSX Emulator – BrMSX Saved State
STA Eudora File
STA Reflection Saved State
STA MicroSim PCBoard Statistics Report
STA Spinmaker Plus Stack
STA Game Saved State
STACK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STAFF Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STAGE1 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STAGE2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STAGE3 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STAGE4 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STAGE5 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STAGE6 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STAGE7 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STAP Soundtrack Pro Project (Apple Inc.)
STAR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STARPACK StarTrekker Pack Format
START Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STARTED Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STARTUP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STAT Status File
STATE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STATS Homeworld End-of-Game Statistics (Sierra Entertainment, Inc.)
STATS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STATS XviD Statistics of a First-Pass from a Movie
STATUS General Status File
STB AutoCAD R2000 Plot Style Table (Autodesk, Inc.)
STB Scantech Scanner File
STB Genus Stub Library
STC StarOffice Spreadsheet Template (Sun)
STC Terrasoft SAS Data File
STC StateClock File
STC Plug-in Acrobat Exchange
STC Spreadsheet Template (
STD StarOffice Drawing Template (Sun)
STD LocoScript Standard Script File (LocoScript Software)
STD SureThing CD Labeler Document File (MicroVision Development, Inc.)
STD Prosa State Transition Diagram Graphic
STD STAAD.Pro Import/Export File for Steel FEA (Research Engineers International)
STD Plug-in Acrobat Exchange
STD Drawing Template (
STD Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STD PROMT Document (PROMT, Ltd.)
STDCRC Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STDF SEDana Standard Test Data Format (Salland Engineering)
STDFILE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STDPRODOS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STE XMap Flight Plan or Flight Plan Statistic File (Delorme)
STE DataPerfect File
STE Dreamweaver Site File (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
STEALTH Likely a Text File
STEELDRUM Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STEGANO Steganographic Image
STEP ISO-10303 STEP Product Data
STEP AP203 Step File
STEREO Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STF ACME Table Files
STF Setup Information (Microsoft)
STF ShrinkToFit Compressed Archive File
STF Spanish Whiz Data File (GB Blanchard)
STF Structured File
STF ISaGRAF POU (Program Organization Unit) File (ICS Triplex ISaGRAF Inc.)
STG SNMP Traffic Grapher Network Graphic
STG PageKeeper Storage File
STG Statistica Graphics File
STG Visual Pinball High Scores
STG ActiveSync (Microsoft)
STI Programming
STI Sealed TIFF File (SealedMedia)
STI Datastitch Embroidery Design/Editing/Lettering/Stitch Transfer
STI Stickies
STI StarOffice Presentation Template (Sun)
STI Presentation Template (
STIF Sealed TIFF File (SealedMedia)
STITCH PhotoVista Panorama Stitched Panorama (Iseemedia Inc.)
STK CRiSP Harvest File
STK Personal Stock Monitor File
STK Sticker Store Sticker
STK Rail3D 2KD/2k3 Stock and Scenery Models
STK HyperStudio Stack ( Sunburst Technology Inc.)
STK MetaMorph Imaging System Discovery-1 Software Stack (Universal Imaging Corporation)
STKX Personal Stock Streamer Portfolio (DTLink Software, LLC)
STL Claris Works Data File
STL Fireworks Style Library (Macromedia)
STL Micrographics Designer Stylesheet
STL SPEFO Stellar Spectra Analysis File
STL Win2020 Screen Subtitle (Screen Subtitling Systems)
STL Certificate Trust List
STL CAD Software Solid Modeling/Prototyping File
STL C++ Standard Template Library
STL EBU-standard Open and Teletext File (SoftNI Corporation)
STM Sound File
STM Secure Login File for Navy’s NOWS
STM SDR99 Speech Recognition Task Time Segment Time Marked File
STM Scream Tracker v2 Module
STM Prosa State Transition Diagram Model (Insoft Oy)
STM PhotoStudio Stamp (ArcSoft, Inc.)
STM LloydsTSB Bank Statement (LloydsTSB)
STM Sealed HTML Document (SealedMedia)
STM Medlin Accounting Statement Layout (Medlin Accounting)
STM Exchange Server Streaming Store (Microsoft)
STML Sealed HTML File (SealedMedia)
STN Genuine Fractals Photoshop Plug-in (LizardTech, Inc.)
STN ArcView Geocoding Standardization File (ESRI)
STN Flight Simulator File (Microsoft)
STN Sting File
STO Genus Pascal Stub OBJ File
STO Infinity Game Engine Store File (BioWare Corp.)
STONE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STORAGE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STORY Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STP 3D Graphic
STP NASCAR Racing 2002 Track Picture (Sierra)
STP PageKeeper Packed Storage File
STP CATIA ISO-10303 STEP Product Data (Dassault Systèmes)
STP DART Pro 98 System Settings
STP EC997 Dyno Test Step Test ( Factory Pro Tuning)
STP SharePoint Services Template (Microsoft Corporation)
STP FScruiser Setup File (USDA Forest Service)
STP Photoshop Plug-in (Adobe)
STQ Statistica Text File (StatSoft)
STQ?? SAS Version 6 Sequential Access File Audit File (SAS Institute Inc.)
STR Playstation Video (Sony Corporation of America)
STR Surpac Vision Data Repository (Surpac Minex Group)
STR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STR DataPerfect Structure File
STR Sceensaver
STR dBASE Structure List
STR Fifa 2002 Music File
STR Gate3 Table Structure File
STR Music File
STR ATOMS Structure File (Shape Software)
STR Statistica Report File
STRANGE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STRANGELOVE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STRAT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STRING Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STRINGS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STRIPES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STRIPES2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STRIPES3 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STRUCT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STS Nimbus 7 SAMS Data File
STS Scream Tracker Song
STS MicroSim PCBoard Status of Autorouting Run
STS C Project Status Info (Microsoft)
STT Streets & Trips Template (Microsoft)
STT Tacmi Pixia Palette File
STT SureThing CD Labeler User Template File
STU Studio Video Project (Pinnacle Systems)
STU Tarantella Enterprise 3 3270 Emulator Style File
STUDENT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STUDIO Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STUFF EVE Online Game Contents Archive (CCP hf.)
STUFF Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STUPID Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STV sofTV.Author File
STVINI Multiple Programs Configuration File (Mostly Jan Záruba)
STW Statistica Workbook File
STW Neopaint Stamp
STW Text Document Template (
STW SmartTerm Data File
STW Staroffice Writer Template (Sun)
STX Schneider Automation S.A. PL7 Program File for Modicon PLC’s (Telemecanique, a brand of Schneider Electric Industries SAS)
STX StockChartX Data (Modulus Financial Engineering, Inc.)
STX SureTrak Project Manager Project (Primavera Systems, Inc.)
STX SPOT Image Statistics
STX Eschalon Setup Install Script (Eschelon Development (24-2979 Panorama Dr., Coquitlam BC V3E 2W8, Canada))
STX Scream Tracker Music Interface Kit Song/Module
STX Terrasoft SAS System Xport Transport File
STX System/User Topic Set Descriptor BullsEye
STX Simply Tax Form
STX Datastitch Embroidery Design/Editing/Lettering/Stitch Transfer (Data – Stitch, Inc.)
STX EditPlus Syntax File
STX XG Works Midi Style Definition (Yamaha Corporation of America)
STX SmarText E-book
STY DirectMusic Style (Microsoft)
STY Yamaha General Style (Yamaha Corporation of America)
STY LaTeX2e Style
STY Style Sheet
STY Word for DOS Style Sheet (Microsoft)
STY Ventura Publisher Style Sheet (Corel Corporation)
STY Genesis 2000 (Genesis 2000, Inc.)
STY Micrografx Picture Publisher Print Style
STYLE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
STYXML Inventor Style Library (Autodesk, Inc.)
STZ Screamtracker 2/Module File
SU Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SUA SeeYou Airspace (Naviter)
SUB Insight II Subset Definition File (Accelrys Software Inc.)
SUB Rational Rose Component Package (IBM)
SUB SubmitWolf File
SUB DivX Subtitles (DivXNetworks, Inc.)
SUB CloneCD Sub Channel Data (SlySoft Inc.)
SUB CaSat Suite Subtitling file (SoftNI Corporation)
SUB SubTerra Level File (Crystal Shard)
SUBS Homeworld Subsystem Data (Sierra Entertainment, Inc.)
SUC Softrans Gmbh Hello Engines! 2.1 File
SUCKS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SUD Super Project Analyzer Data
SUD Symantec Undo Data File (Symantec Corporation)
SUD WISCO Word Power Sudoku Number Puzzle File (WISCO Computing)
SUF Sewer-data File ([Several Dutch Companies])
SUI Macintosh Font File
SUI Simple User Interface Toolkit Library
SUI StarSplatter User Interface (Sean Maxwell)
SUI Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SUIT Apple Font File (Apple Inc.)
SUITE Winstyles Suite (Stardock Corporation, Inc.)
SUL GFA Ray-Trace
SUM Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SUM Summary
SUMM Clapack Blas Testing File
SUMMARY Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SUMP Easy Palette Gallery or Library
SUMSHEET Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SUN Sun Raster Graphic File (Sun)
SUN SUNTronic Song/Module
SUN Firefox Bookmark Backup File
SUN3 Sun OS 4 File (Modified?)
SUN4 Sun OS 4 File
SUN5 Sun OS 5 File
SUO MSE File (Microsoft)
SUO Visual Studio Solution User Options (Microsoft)
SUP BoundsChecker Error Suppression
SUP Hallo Northern Sky (HNSKY) Database Supplement (Han Kleijn)
SUP Pro/ENGINEER Master Configuration File (PTC)
SUP Startup Screen Bitmap
SUP Super Project Analyzer Project
SUP Supplemental Data
SUP Complete Works (Toplevel Computing)
SUP WordPerfect Supplemental Dictionary (Corel Corporation)
SUP IFOEdit or VOBEdit Subpicture MPEG Elementary Stream (Decision Developments)
SUPER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SUPERCAT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SUPERPRINT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SUPPLEMENT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SUPPORT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SUQ?? SAS Version 6 Sequential Access File Utility File (SAS Institute Inc.)
SUR Leben_jesu Bibel File
SUR Freelancer Three Dimensional Collision Zone Data (Microsoft)
SUR Survey Plus 2000 Survey File (AutoData Systems)
SUR Topocad (Chaos Systems AB)
SUR Surveyor Document
SURF 3D Scanner File
SURFPLACE Money User Profile File (Microsoft Corporation)
SUSANNAH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SUST Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SUT?? SAS Version 6 Random Access File Utility File (SAS Institute Inc.)
SV Roland Garros Tennis
SV$ AutoCAD Autosave File (Autodesk, Inc.)
SV1 Transport Tycoon Saved Game
SV1 RollerCoaster Tycoon Saved Game (Atari)
SV2 RollerCoaster Tycoon Saved Game (Atari)
SV2I Symantec LiveState Recovery Image (Symantec Corporation)
SV2I VMware Virtual Image (VMware, Inc.)
SV3 RollerCoaster Tycoon Saved Game (Atari)
SV4 RollerCoaster Tycoon Saved Game (Atari)
SV5 RollerCoaster Tycoon Saved Game (Atari)
SV6 RollerCoaster Tycoon Saved Game (Atari)
SV7 RollerCoaster Tycoon Saved Game (Atari)
SV8 RollerCoaster Tycoon Saved Game (Atari)
SV9 RollerCoaster Tycoon Saved Game (Atari)
SVB Statistica Macro File
SVC Simple Visual Compiler
SVC Statistica Macro File
SVD Video CD File
SVD Word Backup File (Microsoft Corporation)
SVE VocalJam Karaoke Song File
SVF Systems Management Server (SMS) Client/Server Component Status File (Microsoft Corporation)
SVF Simple Vector Format
SVG SuperView Graphic Bitmap
SVG Active Backup Expert Project File (OrionSoftLab)
SVG Lode Runner Saved Game
SVG Scalable Vector Graphics File
SVG Model Browser Image (Metis)
SVG Word Glossary Backup File (Microsoft Corporation)
SVGZ Compressed Scalable Vector Graphics File
SVGZ Scalable Vector Graphics File
SVH Surround Video Animated Internet Picture (Black Diamond Consulting)
SVI Red Faction Game File
SVI Mimio Ink Files
SVK Personal Paint Slovak Language User Interface File (Amiga)
SVL Scramdisk VoLume
SVM MRC-PRO Format Music File
SVM Formula 1 Car Race 2001 Save File
SVN Personal Paint Slovenian Language User Interface File (Amiga)
SVO Statistica Macro File
SVO Transport Tycoon Custom World
SVP SwiftView ICS Command File (SwiftView, Inc.)
SVP WISCO Survey Power Question File (WISCO Computing)
SVP Sonique Visual Plug-in (Lycos, Inc.)
SVQ InfoBind File Format
SVQ MRC-PRO Format Music File
SVQ Roland Keyboard Midi Sequence
SVQ?? SAS Version 6 Sequential Access File Data View (SAS Institute Inc.)
SVR Compressed Virtual World for WWW
SVR SuperScape ActiveX Superscape Viscape Control
SVR4B Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SVR4L Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SVS DART Pro 98 Spectral View Settings
SVS Word Stylesheet Backup File (Microsoft Corporation)
SVT Stonevoice Translator Tree of Localizable Files (Stonevoice)
SVUE ShowVue Data (ShowSys)
SVX Amiga 8SVX Sound (Amiga)
SVX 8SVX/16SV Interchange File Format
SVX Statistica Macro File
SVY SmartQuest Survey Configuration File (TeleSage Inc.)
SW SWISS-PROT Protein Sequence Database (ExPASy (Expert Protein Analysis System))
SW EARS Component File
SW Free Pascal Assembler File for Windows Version (FPC Development Team)
SW Softwrap License File (Softwrap)
SW Free Pascal Assembler File for OS/2 Version (FPC Development Team)
SW SmartWare Spreadsheet
SW Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SW Audio
SW Raw Signed Word (16-bit) Data
SW0 Easy FlashMaker Project (KUDRSOFT)
SW3 Scriptware (Cinovation)
SWA Shockwave Audio File
SWAP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SWAPPER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SWB PageMaker Version 7 ColorSync Component (Adobe)
SWB Super Win-EBook 98 File
SWB Sametime Whiteboard File (IBM)
SWB Photoshop (Adobe)
SWC Super Wildcard Super Nintendo ROM Image
SWC Spanish Whiz Conversation Sound File (GB Blanchard)
SWD Sabiston Textbook
SWD Storybook File
SWD Flash MX File with Debugging Infomation (Macromedia)
SWD Spanish Whiz Dictation Sound File (GB Blanchard)
SWE SendaWin Etiquetas Labels (Informatica Industrial IN2, S.A.)
SWE NHL Ice Hockey 2002 Required File
SWE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SWE Sweater Wizard Knitting Pattern (Knitting Software Inc.)
SWE Personal Paint Swedish Language User Interface File (Amiga)
SWF Macromedia Flash Format File (Macromedia, Inc.)
SWF Sidewinder (Force Feedback Joysticks) Profile Activator (Microsoft)
SWFS Dreamweaver File
SWG Swag Reader Packet
SWI Swish Data File
SWING Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SWITCH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SWJ Journal File (Solidworks)
SWK Swapkeys Keyboard File
SWK Microtype Pro Data File (The Thomson Corporation)
SWL Macromedia Flash Format
SWM Supportworks ESP Message (Hornbill Systems Ltd.)
SWP MegaHAL Keyword Swap File (Ai Research)
SWP SolidWorks Macro (SolidWorks Corporation)
SWP Sprint Document Backup (Borland Software Corporation)
SWP EC997 Dyno Test Sweep Test (Factory Pro Tuning)
SWP Sprint Backup File
SWP Swap File
SWP Spider Writer Project File
SWP Omron Syswin API Description
SWR SageWorld Anti-Hacker Program Output (SageWorld)
SWS Swift Generator Instruction File
SWS S-PLUS Workspace
SWS SmartWidgets File
SWS Screen Writer Studio File
SWS Science Workshop File
SWS VHDL Simili Sonata Project File
SWS SWiSH Studio Document ( Pty Ltd)
SWS Spanish Whiz Sound File (GB Blanchard)
SWS0 Screen Writer Studio File Backup
SWT VB Setup Wizard Template File
SWT Macromedia Authoring Flash File
SWT Swift Generator Template File
SWT Space Watch Pro Data File
SWTH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SWV Yamaha Sweet Voices (Yamaha Corporation of America)
SWW QSE FMEA/APQP Application Database
SWX QSE-PPAP Package Application New Launch Quality Forms (Quality Systems Engineering Inc.)
SX SAS Stat Studio Program Source Code (SAS Institute Inc.)
SX2 HPXView SONET/SDH Crossconnect Configuration File (Haliplex Communication Systems)
SXB SalesLogix VB Form/Script Transfer (Best Software)
SXC Spreadsheet (
SXC StarOffice Spreadsheet (Sun)
SXC HPXView SONET/SDH Crossconnect Configuration File (Haliplex Communication Systems)
SXD Draw File (
SXD StarOffice Draw File (Sun)
SXF Secure eXchange Format File
SXG StarOffice Master Document (Sun)
SXG Master Document (
SXI Presentation File (
SXI StarOffice Presentation File (Sun Microsystems, Inc.)
SXL Sealed Excel Worksheet (SealedMedia)
SXLS Sealed Excel File (SealedMedia)
SXLT Sealed Excel Template (SealedMedia)
SXM StarOffice Math File (Sun)
SXM Sealed XML Document (SealedMedia)
SXM Math File (
SXML Sealed XML Document (SealedMedia)
SXO SX Paint Saved Graphical Working Environment (Modular Dreams Inc.)
SXP 3D Studio Process File (Autodesk, Inc.)
SXP Presentation File (
SXS SAS Stat Studio Module Source Code (SAS Institute Inc.)
SXSCH SIMetrix Circuit Schematic (Catena Holding bv)
SXT Formula Graphics Script File
SXT Reason NN-XT Sampler Instrument Patch (Propellerhead Software)
SXW Staroffice Writer Document (Sun)
SXW Text Document (
SXX SAS Stat Studio Module Executable (SAS Institute Inc.)
SY# Darn! Backup Files
SY1 Ami Pro Smartpix Symbol Library (IBM)
SY1 Synth1 Patch File (Daichi Laboratory)
SY3 Harvard Graphics Symbol File (Harvard Graphics)
SYB Syberia II Distribution Archive (MC2-Microïds)
SYC Sniffer Capture File (Network Associates Technology, Inc.)
SYD Sysedit/QEMM Backup File
SYK Excel SYLK Spreadsheet Format (Microsoft)
SYL SYLK Spreadsheet Format
SYLK Excel SYLK Spreadsheet Format (Microsoft)
SYM Symbol Table
SYM P-CAD Component Symbols (Altium Limited)
SYM Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SYM Harvard Graphics Ver 2.x Graphic Symbol (Harvard Graphics)
SYM Lotus Freelance Symbol Library
SYM PCLTool PageTech Symbol Set File Format (Page Technology Marketing, Inc. (PageTech))
SYM MicroImages Text Symbol (MicroImages, Inc.)
SYM C++ Precompiled Headers (Borland Software Corporation)
SYM Microsoft Windows SDK Graphic Symbol
SYMBOLS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SYN Excessive Speed Archive
SYN TextPad Syntax Definition
SYN Connectivity Memory Model Specific Connectivity Initialization Input File
SYN Synthetic Universe
SYN Word Synonym File (Microsoft Corporation)
SYN SDSC Image Tool File
SYN Synonym File
SYN Breakneck / N.I.C.E.2 Archive
SYNC Synconizer Database (Synco Ltd.)
SYNCOPATIONS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SYNGUITAR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SYNTAX Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SYNTH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SYNU Synthetic Universe
SYS PlayStation 2 Icon (Sony Corporation of America)
SYS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SYS System Configuration
SYS System Device Driver
SYS16 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SYSBEEP2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SYSCMND Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SYSERRS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SYSFOLDER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SYSLOG Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SYSOP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SYST2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SYSTEM Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SYSTEMS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SYSV Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
SYW Yamaha SY-series Wave Files (Yamaha Corporation of America)
SYW Harvard Graphics Symbol Graphic (Harvard Graphics)
SYX Modula M2sds File
SY_ Korg Dw8000 Compressed File
SY_ Compressed SYS File
SY~ Coreldraw File
SZ WinAmp Skin
SZ0 Binary File Format
SZD Spell Wiz Dictionary/Thesaurus Word List (Jayden Carr)
SZF SilverDAT II Data Exchange Format (DAT Deutsche Automobil Treuhand GmbH)
SZN HiCAD 3D CAD File (ISD Benelux B.V.)
SZR SpeedZapper Database (SpeedZapper)
S_S Eru/erd File